New Beginnings

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Tsunade could already fell a headache coming.

Sasuke and Sakura were since leaving the village.

Tsunade and sent a squad of Jonin's all lead by Kakashi to capture Sasuke and Sakura.

But for some reason Kakashi decided to betray everyone and help Sasuke and Sakura escape as he went along with them.

Currently Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura were all marked as missing-Nin's.

Tsunade had sent a message to Natsumi to infrom her of the events that had happened.

The newly formed Konoha 12 was currently in Tsunade office discussing somethings

Hey Hokage-Sama why are we dubbed Konoha 12 when there are ten of us" Ino asked.

Yeah and where is Natsumi and Hinata" Tenten added.

Tsunade was about to answer when suddenly the door to office flew open and everyone saw Hinata and Two Natsumi.

Everyone except Tsunade and Shizune were Speechless.

Umm Natsumi why is there a shadow clone next to you" Kiba asked

Karin got angry hearing that as she appeared next to Kiba and punched him hard on the head.

I am not a shadow clone" Karin said.

This is my Twin sister Karin Uzumaki" Natsumi said as once again everyone was speechless.

Excuse me while I pass out" Shino said as he fainted making Natsumi and Karin giggle.

Karin then approached Tsunade and hugged her.

It's nice to finally meet you Aunty Tsunade" Karin said as Tsunade smiled and hugged her back.

It's nice to meet you too Karin" Tsunade said.

Well what are waiting for coming join the hugged Shizune-neesan" Karin said as Shizune smiled and joined the hug.

Everyone smiled at the heartwarming as Tsunade got serious.

Natsumi I assume you heard about you team going rogue" Tsunade asked as Natsumi nodded.

Normally you would have to wait for a new person to be added but we managed to find a suitable replacement for team seven" Tsunade said as everyone was curious to see who was on Natsumi's team.

Team seven will consist of Natsumi Uzumaki, Karin Uzumaki and Satsuki Uchiha your Jonin instructor is a girl called Rin Nohara.

Natsumi was about to say something but she was suddenly hugged from behind as everyone turned around and saw.

Natsumi was about to say something but she was suddenly hugged from behind as everyone turned around and saw

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Hey Natsumi you miss me" Satsuki asked as Natsumi cried began repeatedly punch the Uchiha on her chest.

You idiot you know how worried i was everyone told me you were dead" Natsumi said.

Everyone was confused as Kiba fainted from seeing to much pretty girl's.

Satsuki smiled as she looked at her childhood best friend.

Trust me I didn't want to leave you but i had no choice and beside Hiruzen and Tsunade told me everything about you" Satsuki said as Natsumi smiled.

Now are you going to introduce me to your Girlfriend and twin sister" Satsuki said.

What" everyone shouted minus Hinata, Tsunade, Shizune, Karin and Natsumi.

Y-you have a girlfriend who" Kiba said crying anime tears as the love of his life was already taken.

Hinata and Natsumi blushed and looked away from each other as Neji got mad and got into his Taijutsu Stance.

You dare make out with my cousin" Neji said as Natsumi got mad and pounced on the poor Hyuuga.

Everyone cringed from the sheer brutality Natsumi was unleashing on the Hyuuga as Neji finally passed out.

Next time don't talk about my love life" Natsumi said as Hinata fainted while Karin and Satsuki laughed.

Before anybody could do say anything the door to the office swung open revealing a pretty lady

Before anybody could do say anything the door to the office swung open revealing a pretty lady

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Ah Rin you finally made it" Tsunade said

Sorry got Konoha is so bigger then I remembered so kinda got lost" Rin said as she looked at her new team.

My name is rin Nohara its nice to meet you" Rin said

Well that will be all and team seven please meet Rin at the training ground seven to introduce yourself" Tsunade said as she gave Karin a Konoha Headband.

Everyone left the room as they agree to meet later by the park as they went their separate ways.

(Scene Change)

Satsuki, Natsumi and Karin made their way to training ground seven and saw Rin was already happily munching on some sweets.

Rin saw them as she put sweets away and stood to face.

I see you made it well since I don't know a lot about you could you tell me your name your like and dislikes" Rin said smiling.

My Name is Satsuki Uchiha my likes are tomatoes, Itachi, Natsumi and cute things my dislikes are Sasuke and the rest of the Uchiha clan.

Rin nodded abit surprised the Satsuki didn't have the typical Uchiha attitude.

My Name is Natsumi Uzumaki my likes are Kurama, Hinata my family and ramen my dislikes are Kumo for separating me from my twins sister and clowns.

My Name is Karin Uzumaki my likes are ramen and my twin sister and my dislikes are clowns and Kumo.

You two really hate clowns" Satsuki said as the Uzumaki twins turned to look at her.

Yes we do" Natsumi and Karin shouted.

Rin laughed as she felt sorry for them because soon Konoha 12 will have to face their fears

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