Invasion Part II

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The dust cleared and Temari had Sasuke dead in her sights, she readied her fan for another attack.

"Wind Scythe Jutsu."

It was a direct hit but what appeared to be Sasuke wasn't him it was a substitution jutsu perfromed with perfect timing by Sasuke. She looked up and witnessed Sasuke'e barrage a fireballs firing in her direction. She jumped up out of aim of the fireballs and swung her fan once again trying to hit Sasuke. She level numerous trees with her attack but there was no sign that she hit her real target.

"Did I get him?" Temari asked herself.

She landed and started to look around and guard herself in case Sasuke tried some kind of surprise attack. She took one step back a tripped a wire set up by Sasuke, kunai came flying at her. She avoided the trap.

"Got to do better than that Uchiha." Temari thought to herself.

Out of no where Sasuke came charging straight at her at a speed she could not keep up with. She tried her best to get out of dodge but her efforts were all for nothing. She was hit with a dead on straight punch that Sasuke acquired from Rock Lee's book, it kocked her several feet backward and then to the ground.

"One down and two to go." Sasuke said.

(Recap ended)

Gai and Kakashi were still fighting off the Sand and Sound nin at the Chuunin stadium. They were fighting together against them but they got separated during the fight and were getting out numbered.

"I should go and get back up with Kakashi. The enemy has us out numbered." Gai thought to himself.

Gai fought through the numbers of enemy nins and reunited with Kakashi to regain the upper hand. No matter how many it was they were not going to beat Gai and Kakashi at the same time.

"Kakashi, we should stick together in this fight from now on. They have numbers on us." Gai said.

"Good plan Gai. Lets stop playing and turn it up a notch. They won't stand a chance against our combined strength." Kakashi said.

Suddenly a mist blanketed the area.

"What is the fog Kakashi?" Gai asked.

When the mist cleared all Kakashi and Gai saw were the dead bodies of those that were attacking them.

I'm am what just happened." a voice said.

Gai looked over and saw Greninja standing over the dead nins he had just killed.

"Who are you." Gai said.

Relax I am one of young Natsumi's summons " Greninja said as Kakashi and Gai were Speechless.

Natsumi has a summoning contract" Kakashi said both surprised and happy for his student.

Yes but leave the questions for later we got work to do" Greninja said creating a purple colored kunai.

Right" Kakashi and Gai said rushing into battle along with Greninja.

Scene Change

"Come on kids we have to get somewhere safe. This is not a drill, lets move quick and quietly." Ebisu said directing the academy kids to a safe hideout place. He was filling in as an academy instructor for Iruka.

They were spotted by the invading enemy nins.

"You think you can hide from us." one of them said.

Enemies' shurikens were thrown towards them but were reflected by leafs.

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