forest fight

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The forest was shrouded in darkness as Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, and Wen Ning stood together, their senses on high alert for any sign of danger. The tension in the air was palpable as they awaited the impending confrontation with the Wen Clan.

Wen Ning's eyes scanned the surroundings, his senses tingling with a sense of foreboding. Suddenly, he stiffened, his gaze narrowing as he detected movement in the distance.

"They're coming," Wen Ning warned, his voice low but urgent.

Lan Wangji and his companions braced themselves, their swords at the ready as they prepared to face their attackers head-on. The sound of footsteps grew louder, and soon, a horde of soldiers emerged from the shadows, their faces twisted with malice and determination.

The clash of swords and the cries of battle filled the air as Lan Wangji and his companions fought with all their might against the onslaught of the Wen Clan's army. Each strike of their swords was met with fierce resistance, but they pressed on, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

As the battle raged on, Wen Ning's keen instincts sensed something amiss. These soldiers were not part of Wen Ruhan's army but rather Wen Chao's personal guard. But why would Wen Chao's forces be attacking them, and where was Wen Ruhan in all of this?

Wen Ning's mind raced with questions as he fought off his opponents, his focus divided between the battle at hand and the troubling mystery unfolding before him.

"Lan Wangji, something isn't right," Wen Ning called out amidst the chaos of battle. "These soldiers belong to Wen Chao, not Wen Ruhan. But why would he attack us, and where is his father?"

Lan Wangji's brow furrowed with concern as he parried a blow from his opponent. "We cannot afford to dwell on that now, Wen Ning. Our priority is to survive this battle and find Wei Ying."

Jiang Cheng fought fiercely beside his brother, his eyes blazing with determination. "Wen Ning is right. This doesn't make sense. But we'll deal with Wen Chao later. For now, we must focus on defeating his forces."

With renewed determination, Lan Wangji and his companions redoubled their efforts, pushing back against the onslaught of Wen Chao's soldiers with unwavering resolve. The clash of swords echoed through the forest as they fought valiantly, their hearts heavy with worry for their missing friend.

As the battle raged on, the true extent of Wen Chao's treachery became clear. His personal army seemed intent on wiping out Lan Wangji and his companions, leaving no room for mercy or negotiation.

But amidst the chaos and bloodshed, Lan Wangji remained steadfast, his unwavering determination serving as a beacon of hope for his companions. With each strike of his sword, he fought not only for his own survival but for the chance to reunite with Wei Ying once more.

As the battle reached its climax, Lan Wangji's heart burned with a fierce resolve. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he refused to falter in his quest to find Wei Ying and bring him home.

And as the clash of swords finally subsided, Lan Wangji and his companions stood victorious, their spirits unbroken despite the trials they had faced. For they knew that their journey was far from over, and that the true test of their strength and determination still lay ahead.


In the dimly lit chambers of the Wen Clan stronghold, the air was heavy with tension as Wen Chao seethed with anger. His fists clenched tightly as he surveyed the wreckage of his room, the remnants of his fury scattered across the floor.

"They dare defy me," Wen Chao muttered through gritted teeth, his voice laced with venom. "Lan Wangji and his cursed companions. They will pay for this insolence."

But as he brooded over his defeat, a sinister smile spread across Wen Chao's lips. An idea began to form in his mind, a plan that would not only exact revenge upon his enemies but also elevate his own status within the Wen Clan.

Turning to his most trusted guard, Wen Zulio, Wen Chao's eyes gleamed with malice. "Prepare the men. We have work to do."

Wen Zulio nodded, his expression unreadable as he swiftly exited the room to carry out his master's orders.

Alone once more, Wen Chao's thoughts turned to his father, Wen Ruhan, and the humiliation he had endured at his hands. The memory of the slap still burned fresh in his mind, igniting a fire of resentment within him.

"Father, you have underestimated me for the last time," Wen Chao muttered darkly. "I will show you just how far the real son of Wen Ruhan can go."

With a sense of determination that bordered on madness, Wen Chao set his plans into motion, his mind consumed by thoughts of revenge and power.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest, Lan Wangji and his companions regrouped after their hard-fought victory against Wen Chao's forces. Though their bodies were weary from battle, their spirits remained unbroken as they pressed on in their quest to find Wei Ying.

But even as they prepared to continue their journey, a sense of unease lingered in the air. They knew that their victory had only served to enrage Wen Chao further, and that the true test of their strength lay ahead.

As they set out once more, their hearts heavy with the weight of uncertainty, Lan Wangji and his companions remained vigilant, knowing that their enemy would stop at nothing to thwart their efforts.


on the other hand, Wen Ruhan's rage burned like a fierce inferno as he learned of the skirmish in the forest and Wen Chao's reckless actions. His usually calm demeanor was replaced by a storm of fury as he processed the news.

"How dare he," Wen Ruhan seethed, his voice echoing through the halls of the stronghold. "To defy my orders and provoke a conflict with Lan Wangji. This insolence will not go unpunished."

But beneath the anger, a deep-seated worry gnawed at Wen Ruhan's heart. The proximity of Lan Wangji to their territory filled him with a sense of dread, knowing that the young master of the Lan Clan would stop at nothing to rescue his beloved Wei Ying.

With a heavy heart, Wen Ruhan retreated to the solitude of his chambers, his mind consumed by thoughts of Wei Ying and the lengths to which he would go to protect him. He knew that if Lan Wangji were to succeed in his mission, it would spell doom for the Wen Clan and all who dwelled within its walls.

Alone in his chamber, Wen Ruhan turned his attention to the yin iron, the key to unlocking a power that had eluded him for years. Though there was still a missing piece of the iron, stolen long ago by the Lan Clan, Wen Ruhan knew that he could not afford to delay his plans any longer.

With a grim determination, Wen Ruhan set to work, his hands moving with practiced precision as he began the process of harnessing the yin energy from the iron. Each step brought him closer to his goal, his resolve unwavering despite the risks involved.

As he worked, Wen Ruhan's thoughts drifted to the missing piece of the iron, hidden away in the depths of the Lan Clan's stronghold. It was a piece of the puzzle that had eluded him for far too long, but he knew that he could not allow it to deter him from his mission.


sorry guys for the short chapter but i want to explain what evil idea came in wen chao's mind in one chapter so please have patience and wait for that chapter

sorry for late update 

still lots of love...😘😘


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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