Lan Zhan being so impatient

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Wangji had finally found Wei Ying after two long years and now after seeing him and knowing that wei ying also remembered him his happiness was on ninth cloud but as a lan clan leader he has many duties to continued and because of this he didn't saw wei ying for hours but when he find him with his siblings he just went near them and asked his elder sister. The emotions were overwhelming, and as they stood together, he couldn't resist the urge any longer. He gently grabbed Wei Ying's hand and led him to the serene Jingshi.

Wangji gently grabbed Wei Ying's hand, his eyes filled with longing and desire. He pulled Wei Ying closer, and as their eyes locked, he leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Wei Ying, however, pulled away, his cheeks flushed with a mix of desire and restraint. "Wangji, please have some patience," he pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion.

Wangji, his breath heavy, whispered, "Wei Ying, I've controlled myself for two long years. But now that you're here with me, I can't hold back any longer."

Wei Ying looked deep into Wangji's eyes, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on Wangji's hand. "Just a little longer, my love. Let's wait until our marriage."

They chatted for hours, sharing dreams and plans for their future together until the early morning hours. Wangji woke Wei Ying with a gentle kiss on his forehead, and they prepared to face the day.

Wangji said, "Wei Ying, you must understand the importance of following the Lan clan's rules. They are crucial for our way of life."

Wei Ying, however, had mischief in his eyes as he replied, "Lan Zhan, don't worry. I'll be the best Lan disciple you've ever seen."


It was a typical day at the Lan Clan's secluded lecture hall, where disciples were gathered for their lessons under the watchful eye of Lan Qiren. Wei Ying, known for his mischievous nature, couldn't resist the urge to play a prank. He exchanged sly glances with Nei HuSang, his partner in crime, and they quietly plotted their antics during class.

As the lesson continued, Wei Ying and Nei HuSang executed their plan. Nei HuSang discreetly passed Wei Ying a piece of paper with a comical doodle, causing Wei Ying to burst into uncontrollable laughter. The entire class turned their attention to him, and Lan Qiren, known for his keen senses, soon caught on to the disturbance. He turned sharply, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Wei Ying and Nei HuSang trying to stifle their giggles. 

"Wei Wuxian!" he thundered, his voice echoing in the room.

Caught off guard, Wei Ying immediately dropped the fan, and his face turned red as he faced his furious teacher. 

"I'm sorry, Master Lan," he mumbled.

Lan Qiren's stern gaze never wavered as he scolded Wei Ying. "You show complete disregard for the rules and decorum of the Lan Clan. Your actions disrupt the sanctity of our lessons. For your disobedience, you will write the rules of the Lan Clan ten times as punishment."

 Wen Qing was also there, she  observed the scene. Her expression was a mixture of disappointment and surprise as she watched Wei Ying's unbridled behavior. She had always been the epitome of a perfect Lan disciple, diligently adhering to the rules and striving for perfection.

Inwardly, Wen Qing couldn't help but wonder how someone like Wei Ying, who seemed so lacking in manners and discipline, could capture Lan Wangji's heart. She thought, How can Wangji love someone like him? Wei Ying has no understanding of how to talk or behave properly. She had spent years trying to be the ideal Lan disciple, hoping that Wangji would notice her dedication.

Thread of fate: Lan ZHan's unconventional loveWhere stories live. Discover now