wangji is over possessive🔞

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Wei Ying had successfully given Jiang Cheng and Wen Qingh some time alone to talk and, perhaps, find a way to mend their strained relationship. As Wei Ying watched from a distance, he didn't notice that Wen Ning had observed the whole situation from afar. Wen Ning, Wen Qingh's younger brother, had been curious about his sister's recent interactions and decided to approach Wei Ying to inquire about the situation.

Wen Ning walked up to Wei Ying and asked with a friendly smile, 

"Wei Ying, what did you do just now? I saw you giving Jiang Cheng and my sister Wen Qingh some time alone. Is there something you're trying to help with?"

Wei Ying, caught off guard and nervous about how Wen Ning might react, stammered, 

"Oh, it's just... I thought they could use some time to talk and sort things out. I didn't mean to intrude or anything."

Wen Ning's smile only grew, and he reassured Wei Ying, 

"No, no, Wei Ying, you did a great thing. I'm happy that you're helping my sister, and I'm glad you care about her. She's had a tough time."

Wei Ying felt a rush of relief and gratitude. He hadn't expected such a warm and understanding response from Wen Ning.

"Thank you, Wen Ning. I just want them to be happy, and I hope I can help with that."

Wen Ning's expression turned thoughtful, and he said, 

"You know, I'd like to help too. My sister deserves to be with someone who loves her. So, if there's anything I can do, just let me know."

Wei Ying's eyes lit up with happiness, and he impulsively hugged Wen Ning in excitement. "Thank you, Wen Ning! I appreciate your support. Let's work together to make them happy!"

However, as Wei Ying and Wen Ning embraced, Lan Wangji, who had been approaching them, witnessed the hug and his expression darkened with anger. He strode up to Wei Ying and, his voice cold and stern, said, "Wei Ying, what is the meaning of this?"

Wei Ying jumped away from Wen Ning and turned to face Wangji, his heart pounding. 

"Lan Zhan, it's not what it looks like. I was just excited because Wen Ning offered to help us with Jiang Cheng and Wen Qingh."

Wangji's gaze remained unyielding, his voice icy. "Wei Ying, your behavior is inappropriate. You should be more cautious."Wei Ying, chagrined and remorseful, quickly nodded. "I'm sorry, Lan Zhan. I didn't mean to upset you. It won't happen again."With tensions simmering beneath the surface, the situation had taken an unexpected turn. Wangji's anger had been triggered, he didn't listen to wei ying he took wei ying's hand and left the place, wen ning was standing dumbfounded and was watching them, and a sharp pain also felt in his heart, but then he also left....

wangji was angry with wei ying and he didn't like how wei ying was hugging any other man, and the way wen ning was looking at wei ying was very lovingly, and that triggered him more and he wanted to punish wei ying for this behavior so that he will not do such things in future, he just came in jingshi Lan Zhan opened the door and immediately pushed Wei Wuxian onto the bed,

 "Ah! Lan Zhan what's this for?"

 Lan Zhan didn't answer him and took off both their robes.

 "Lan Zhan- -let's talk about this" 

Lan Zhan let out a growl before biting Wei wuxians neck and shoulder. Wei Wuxian widen his eyes and moaned,

 "ahh~ Lan Zhan w-wait! i'll explain it.....

"shut up.... how can you hug any other person, i can't see you to touch anyone and you were hugging that man.....i'll punish you wei ying.... so that you can't think of doing such things in future"

"b.but lan zhan we were just.....aaahhhh. l..lan zhan slow...aahhh"

 Lan Zhan didn't care and kept marking Wei Wuxian with beautiful hickeys on his shoulder, neck and chest. He took off their pants and roughly shoved his hard dripping cock into Wei wuxians tight hole. he didn't care to prepare him before, he just wanted to punish wei ying as hard as he can, he was so angry, and again when the scene od wei ying hugging wen ning came in lan zhan's mind he became more hard.....

Wei Wuxian cried in pain and pleasure as he felt Lan zhans cock go into him deeper.

 "Lan Zhan wait wait!! Y- you're in too d-deep oh g-goodness!!"

 Lan Wangji only went harder as he heard Wei wuxians moans, he took off his headband and tied wei ying's hands together. He flipped him over to and begin to finger Wei Wuxian fast and deep while using his other hand to play with Wei wuxians dripping cock. 

"-I'm so close Lan Zhan!"

"will you hug anyone other than me...." wangji asked in his rough voice

" " wei ying was panting

"who can touch you." wangji again asked while moving into him

" you...aaahhh" wei ying was not in the condition he was feeling pleasure and pain in the same time

"say my name loudly.... who can fuck you... wei ying" wangji bit wei ying's ear

"aaahhh lan zhan...o only lan zhan..." wei ying was on cloud nine

"you are so sexy wei ying... and only i'm allowed to see this beauty under me moaning my name.... love you... " wangji biting his neck

"l love you too lan zhan.... s...slow aahhh" 

Lan Zhan smirked and spread Wei Wuxians ass cheek apart and licked his pinkish delicious hole. 


Wei Wuxian immediately jolted as he was not ready for the action Lan Zhan just did. Lan Zhan ate him out in a fast pace and stuck his tongue inside. Wei Wuxian moaned loudly and pressed his face into the pillow. Lan Zhan pulled away and thrusted his cock into Wei wuxian's hole he used his hand to grab a bunch of Wei Wuxian's hair and pulled his head up. He kissed the others neck and bit it as his cock rubbed Wei wuxians insides at the right spots. He groaned and came into Wei wuxians deeply but kept thrusting into him. Wei Wuxian gasped loudly and immediately came all over the bed.

Wei Wuxian panted heavily and his body dropped down into the bed. He immediately was knocked out due to the roughness Lan Zhan fucked him. Lan zhan smiled and kisses his head before also falling asleep.

how was it...🙈

lots of love....😘😘

Thank you.....❤️❤️

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