you remind me of your mother

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 in the Wen Clan compound, night fell like a shroud over the captive Wei Ying. Wen Chao, with a devious smile playing on his lips, entered the room bearing a tray of food. His presence filled the space with an oppressive aura, and Wei Ying tensed at the unwanted proximity.

"You," Wei Ying spat, his voice laced with venom as Wen Chao approached him. "You dare lay a hand on me again, and I swear..."

Wen Chao's laughter cut through the air like a knife, his gaze cold and calculating. "Oh, Wei Ying, you underestimate me. You may be a thorn in my side now, but rest assured, you will soon realize the futility of resistance."

As Wen Chao's hands roamed uncomfortably close to Wei Ying, Wei Ying's patience snapped. With a surge of defiance, he lashed out, using the strength in his legs to push Wen Chao away. Enraged by the sudden defiance, Wen Chao retaliated with a sharp slap across Wei Ying's cheek before storming out of the room, leaving Wei Ying trembling with anger and fear.

Alone in the darkness, tears welled in Wei Ying's eyes as he whispered into the void, "Lan Zhan, please come soon."

Meanwhile, back in thewen palace, Wen Ruhan received word of Wen Chao's actions and his anger flared. Despite his allegiance to the Wen Clan, there was a flicker of humanity within him that still mourned the loss of Changse Seren, Wei Ying's mother. Seeing the resemblance of Changse Seren in Wei Ying's face stirred emotions long buried within Wen Ruhan's heart.

"Enough," Wen Ruhan muttered to himself, his voice tinged with regret as he issued punishment to Wen Chao for his transgressions. Deep down, he knew that Wei Ying was not merely a pawn in a political game but a reminder of the love he had once cherished and lost.


As the sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting long shadows over the dense forest, the tension in the air grew palpable. Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, and Wen Ning marched forward with purpose, their hearts heavy with worry for missing Wei Wuxian. They were determined to rescue him from the clutches of the Wen Clan, even if it meant facing unimaginable dangers.

Wangji's usually composed demeanor betrayed his inner turmoil as he led the group, his mind consumed with thoughts of Wei Wuxian's safety. His worry was evident in the furrow of his brow and the tightness of his jaw.

As they marched through the forest, Wen Ning suddenly raised a hand, signaling for the group to stop. Wangji halted immediately, turning to Wen Ning with a questioning gaze. "What is it, Wen Ning? Why have we stopped?"

Wen Ning's expression was grave as he retrieved a small talisman from his robes. With a swift motion, he threw it into the air, causing it to burst into a cloud of dark energy. The group watched in astonishment as a shadowy owl emerged from the darkness, its form swirling ominously in the air.

Jiang Cheng's brows furrowed in concern as he spoke up, "What is that, Wen Ning?"

Wen Ning's voice was tense as he replied, "It's the messenger of the Wen Clan. If it's here, then we are in danger. It won't be long before Wen Ruhan learns of our presence."

Lan Xichen's expression mirrored Wangji's concern as he turned to his brother. "Wangji, what should we do?"

Wangji's jaw clenched with determination as he surveyed their surroundings. "We need to prepare ourselves for whatever may come. We cannot underestimate Wen Ruhan's power."

Thread of fate: Lan ZHan's unconventional loveWhere stories live. Discover now