New marriage proposal

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in the tranquil and elegant setting of the Gusu Lan Clan, the Second Young Master, Lan Wangji, found himself in the midst of a decision that would shape the course of his life. It was a cool, moonlit evening, and the wind rustled gently through the pristine lotus ponds of the Cloud Recesses.

Lan Wangji sat in the study, his face a mask of composure as he listened to his uncle, Lan Qiren, speak of a matter of great importance. Lan Qiren was known for his strict adherence to the principles of the Lan Clan, and he was a figure of authority and wisdom.

"Wangji," Lan Qiren began, his voice steady and measured, "you are well aware of your responsibilities to the clan. It is time for you to consider a second marriage and the continuation of our lineage."

Lan Wangji's thoughts turned to the past, where his uncle had once tried to arrange a marriage for him with Wen Qing, a proposal that Wangji had resisted vehemently but at the end he married wen Qingh. The memory of that failed arrangement still lingered in his mind. He didn't consider her as his wife and now again one more responsibility. 

"But, Uncle," Wangji replied, his voice unwavering, "I already married once as you said how can you again said such thing again" 

Lan Qiren, however, was persistent. "The elders have predicted that your marriage will bring peace to this world  and This alliance would strengthen our ties with a prominent clan and ensure the prosperity of the Lan Clan."

Wangji's heart sank at the mention of a forced marriage once again. He knew about jiang clan, and the thought of marrying someone he had never met was disconcerting. And again the face of yunmeng boy came infront of him.

Just then, Lan Xichen, his older brother, entered the room. Xichen had always been the voice of reason and compassion in Wangji's life. He placed a reassuring hand on Wangji's shoulder and spoke softly, "Wangji, I understand your concerns, but I have heard good things about Jiang clan. Besides, sometimes love can grow between people who initially seem incompatible. Marriage is about compromise and understanding."

Wangji looked into his brother's eyes and saw genuine care and wisdom. But what about his feelings for that person whom he never forgets and because of that person he will never going to love any other person in his life.

But after the lots of trying finallhe agreed, and Wangji's cautious agreement, preparations were made to arrange a meeting between him and the selected one whom he never interested to know what the name or any other thing. Little did Wangji know that this decision would lead to an unexpected and profound connection, one that transcended the boundaries of their respective clans and ignited a love that would define their destinies in the days to come.

In Jiyang Clan

"How can you say that fengmian my wei ying will marry that Lan clan leader who is already married to the daughter of wen clan leader and we all know he didn't show any interest in that girl, how my baby can survive with the title of second wife" madam yu was very angry.

"Yes father i'm agree with mother and what about the rules of Lan clan Axian will never handle that thousands of rules" Yanli also worried about her little brother.

"I know everything and i rejected the proposal at first, but the prediction of elders how can you neglect that" Jiang fengmian was also tensed.

"Is there no other way to cancel the marriage" Jiang cheng said seriously.

"I have tried so many things, but we have no other option and do you know who predict marriage" fengmian was serious this time.

"Who?" all of the three said simultaneously.

"It's Boushan sanren" 

"Why my child has to face this" Madam yu started crying

"But how will we convince wei for this, you know how stubborn he is, and he is so little for a marriage" yanli is so worried.

"I will talk to him but before that i have some rules for the marriage and fengmian you have to told Qiren about this" madam yu said with a stern face.

"Don't worry yu i already have some rules in my mind and had alreay told qiren about it" fengmian assured her

In wei ying's room

"whattttt? marriage my marriage with a man who is already married to girl, what rubbish are talking about mom.... hahahahahah please its over dont play with me I'm not a kid anymore you know from the age 15 i was fighting with water ghost and many more evil things please don't prank with me atleast its my kind of thing" wei ying said laughingly

"Baby, please try to understand i'm serious" madam yu is trying to convince his loving son 

"ok ok i understand but why me? like shije is elder to me and what about cheng gege, they are unmarried, and you want me to marry and with that person who is already married that clan leader who is a stone face everyone says that though i didn't see him but i heard all the things about him."

"we know son but shije already engagged with Jin zi xuan, and for cheng we are searching a suitable partner for him" 

"Ok ok i will marry that stone face but first of all i have to meet him and know about him and if find him attractive i'll marry him but if he is not my type then i'll reject him on the spot" wei ying said thinking thoroughly

(actually, cheng already told him about the marriage and prediction and wei ying already planned something in his mind so he agreed after playing with her mother)

After that madam yu talked about this to fengmian and a letter sent to Lan clan and after someday the reply came that there will be session of education in the Lan clan and all the students from different clan will be arrived at the clan for study so the three siblings will also join the session and there wei ying will meet wangji.

(Though Lan qiren was against the meeting and all but xichen gave the idea and then qiren agreed and he also convinced wangji, wangji just ignore the whole thing as he always ignore the marriage things.)

Wei ying was shocked when he heard about the education session coz he wanted to meet wangji at yunmeng and then he will do some prank with him so that wangji himself cancelled the marriage but when he came to know about the session he was not agreed but then he remembered the incident which happened two years ago and he started thinking about the boy who he never forget si he thought it is a good chance the meet other people so that he can find him there or have information about him.

And he smiled and started thinking about some pranks so that he can play on wangji or whatever his name is.

hey guys 

hows the part

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