Yunmeng lotus pier

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Yunmeng is situated in a lush and picturesque region, characterized by its abundant waterways, lotus ponds, and natural beauty. The environment is a stark contrast to the more rigid and austere settings of other cultivation sects.

Wei Wuxian  the youngest son of Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian,  lived a life of unparalleled luxury in the Jiang Clan's magnificent estate. From a young age, he had been pampered and spoiled by his doting parents and loving elder siblings, Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng.

Madam Yu, with her stern exterior, often seemed like a formidable matriarch to outsiders. But to her youngest son, she was a source of endless affection. Wei Wuxian could do no wrong in her eyes. She indulged his every whim, from his choice of clothing to his favorite snacks. Even the strictest of rules seemed to bend in his favor.

Jiang Fengmian, a respected figure in the cultivation world, adored his youngest son just as much. He had always hoped for a carefree and happy life for Wei Wuxian, far removed from the dangers of his own past.

As for Jiang Yanli, the gentle and graceful older sister, she had made it her mission to protect and cherish Wei Wuxian. She would often find herself knitting or sewing, creating warm scarves and soft toys for her little brother. Whenever he needed comfort, she was there with a warm smile and a hug.

Jiang Cheng, the tough and competitive older brother, had a different approach. He would challenge Wei Wuxian to spar with him, but even in their mock battles, he would secretly let Wei Wuxian win, just to see the joy on his face. Their bickering was merely a façade for the deep bond they shared.

With his family's unconditional love and unwavering support, Wei Wuxian grew up to be a spirited and mischievous young master. He was notorious for his playful pranks, often involving harmless tricks and good-natured jests. His laughter echoed through the halls of the Jiang residence, brightening the lives of those around him.

However, Wei Wuxian had a unique way of approaching his studies. Instead of diligently practicing sword techniques, he often transformed the training grounds into a playground. Swordsmanship lessons became swordplay battles, and meditation sessions turned into storytelling contests with the elders.

As Wei Wuxian grew older, his playful antics evolved, but his family never tired of indulging him. Every birthday was a grand affair, with extravagant gifts and elaborate banquets. Even on regular days, surprises and treats awaited him at every turn.

"Axian.... where are you? Mother is searching for you everywhere" Yanli is now so worried about his younger brother, but he is nowhere nearby.

everyone was searching for him everywhere but he is unable to find. 

"I told him not go anywhere because of the water ghost but this son of mine is so stubborn" madam yu is now panicking coz she somehow knew his son will sure went to Foght with the water ghost....

Wei Wuxian Pov

i was so excited to fight with the water ghost but my family is against it so i just disguised myself and ran away from the house.

i was just roaming around and saw some disciples of another clan. They were also come to clear the mess created by the ghost i heard it from my father they sent some letters to the Clan what was the name of the clan i forget but i think they from there i smirked and left for that area where the incidents happening from past few days.

i was ready to attack them and then i saw a figure there he was so phenomenal like the way he was fighting with the ghost he just took my attention, the wei wuxian who never consider anyone best coz i never saw anyone as charming and perfect in everything as i am and that guy took my attention but then i also joined him and i was also shocked but then we both fight and killed every ghost then i was about to shacked my hands with but someone called my name and i left but before i said something to him and then left....   

Two yeafrs passed, two whole years passed but i never saw him again though i was not interest in any man, but he was something i was so young at that time but i still remember his face.....

that beautiful face with fair skin, sharp features long hair neat and clean dress and a different glow in his eyes....

when will i meet him dont know why but i always missed him.....

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