Wangji is so caring

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Wei Ying was having one of those rare mornings when he decided to sleep in. The sun had already climbed high into the sky by the time he stirred from his slumber. He groaned and stretched, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep that clung to him.

Just as he was about to sit up, a gentle voice broke through the haze of drowsiness. "Wei Ying, it's time for lunch."

Startled, Wei Ying opened his eyes to find Lan Wangji, his husband, looking down at him with a concerned expression. He blinked in confusion and yawned. "Lunch? What time is it?"

Wangji's lips twitched into a small smile. "It's past noon, Wei Ying. You slept quite late."

Wei Ying chuckled sheepishly as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Guess I needed the rest. My back is hurting a bit."

Wangji's smile faded into a look of worry. "Your back? Are you in pain?"

Wei Ying winced. "Ah, don't worry too much, Lan Zhan. It's just that you were a bit of a monster last night," he teased, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

A faint blush crept onto Wangji's cheeks, but he quickly regained his composure. "I apologize if I was too rough, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying laughed, feeling a warmth in his heart. "No need to apologize, Lan Zhan. I enjoyed every moment of it."

Wangji's eyes softened as he reached out to cup Wei Ying's cheek. "I love you, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying's heart skipped a beat at Wangji's words. "I love you too, Lan Zhan."

As they shared a tender moment, Wei Ying couldn't help but wonder about his siblings. "By the way, where's yanli shije and Jiang Cheng gege? Have they eaten?"

Wangji brushed a strand of hair away from Wei Ying's face. "I told them you weren't feeling well, so you're resting. They said they'd come to see you after their classes."

Wei Ying nodded in understanding. "That's thoughtful of them. Thanks for taking care of me, Lan Zhan."

Wangji helped Wei Ying sit up, supporting his back as he did so. "Of course, Wei Ying. It's my duty as your husband."

"we are not married yet Lan Zhan...." 

" I'm your husband Wei Ying, its just we are not official yet but for me you are my wife my bunny" wangji said while giving soft kisses to wei ying......

After lunch, Wangji insisted on taking care of Wei Ying's needs. He helped him to the bathhouse and carefully bathed him, his touch gentle yet thorough. Wei Ying couldn't help but feel incredibly loved and cherished as Wangji took care of him.

Once Wei Ying was dressed and feeling refreshed, Wangji handed him a small pouch of herbs. "These should help with the pain, Wei Ying. Make sure to take them as needed."

Wei Ying smiled gratefully and nodded. "You're too good to me, Lan Zhan."

Just as they settled down in the jingshi, there was a knock on the door. Wangji went to answer it, and in walked Wei Ying's sister, Jiang Yanli, and his ever-protective brother, Jiang Cheng. Nei HuSang, who often accompanied Jiang Cheng, followed closely behind.

Yanli's face lit up with relief and concern as she saw Wei Ying. "Wei Ying, we heard you weren't feeling well. How are you now?"

Wei Ying beamed at his sister. "I'm much better now, shije. Lan Zhan took great care of me."

Jiang Cheng, however, looked less than pleased. He glared at Wei Ying. "You're always causing trouble. What happened to you?"

Wei Ying's smile faltered as he glanced at the bite marks on his neck that were still slightly visible. He cleared his throat nervously. "Well, you see, it's not entirely Wei Ying's fault."

Thread of fate: Lan ZHan's unconventional loveWhere stories live. Discover now