little gathering

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Lan Wangji, the sect leader of the Gusu Lan Sect, had been diligently attending to his sect duties day in and day out. His responsibilities weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he found himself engrossed in the affairs of his clan. Yet, amidst all his duties and responsibilities, he couldn't help but miss Wei Ying, his beloved, with every passing moment.

Wei Ying, on the other hand, had been traveling to in the gusu with nei husang and jiang cheng. Though he was often surrounded by people, his heart always longed for Lan Wangji. The memories of their time together, in jingshi was still fresh in his mind.

One evening, the stars were shining brightly, and the sect leaders decided to gather for a formal dinner. Wangji had been waiting for this moment to catch a glimpse of Wei Ying. As the night fell, he arrived at the dinner hall, his heart racing with anticipation.

When Wangji and Wei Ying finally laid eyes on each other, their faces lit up with smiles. It was a silent, heartfelt reunion that spoke volumes. But as their eyes met and their smiles widened, they couldn't help but attract attention.

Wen Qingh, Wangji's first wife, couldn't hide her jealousy as she observed their exchange. She felt a pang of insecurity at the sight of Wangji's beaming face directed at Wei Ying. Little did she know, her jealousy was about to become a turning point for someone else. she controlled herself not to cry infront of all and was just seating with other sect disciples. 

Jiang Cheng, who had been sitting nearby, was immediately captivated by Wen Qingh's beauty and grace. He had never seen her before and was taken aback by her presence. He found it hard to focus on anything else, his gaze frequently drifting in her direction.

"what are you hiding jiang cheng?" wei ying asked notoriously coz he noticed jiang cheng was looking at a girl 

"shut up wei " jiang cheng became so shy 

wei ying was giggling but suddenly lan qiren saw him and glared at him and wei ying got scared and became silent again. wen qingh also saw him and thought how can Lan Wangji love someone like him, he has no manners, he dont even no how to behave in front of everyone, she was thinking but then she was someone was staring at her, it was the boy near wei wuxian, that boy smiled at her shyly and in reply she also nodded and again started taking her meal.

As the dinner progressed, Lan Qiren, stood up to address the gathering. He informed everyone about the upcoming classes, which were scheduled to start at the ungodly hour of 5 am. Wei Ying, not accustomed to early mornings, was shocked by this revelation, and in his characteristic manner, he couldn't help but shout in surprise.

"Whattttttt? 5 am" wei said and was just stand up at his palce

The entire hall fell silent as all eyes turned towards Wei Ying. Lan Qiren's stern expression clearly showed his displeasure. On the other hand, Nie Huaisang, who was known for his mischievous nature, couldn't contain his laughter and tried to hide it behind his hand fan.

Wangji, noticing Wei Ying's embarrassment and feeling a sense of protectiveness, nodded at him subtly from across the table. It was a gesture only Wei Ying understood. With a sheepish grin, Wei Ying quickly took his seat and fell silent, the embarrassment on his face slowly fading.

But as wen qingh saw this she became even more jealous of wei wuxian. 

Yanli, ever the caring sister, patted Wei Ying's hand in reassurance. The dinner continued with discussions about the upcoming classes and other sect matters.

As the evening came to a close, everyone left the dinner table to retire to their respective quarters. Wangji and Wei Ying exchanged another longing glance, their love rekindled by their brief but cherished encounter. Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng couldn't get Wen Qingh out of his mind and knew that this dinner had marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. ( he was not aware of that wen qingh is the first wife of Lan wangji, and wen qingh only saw wei ying but she dont know about jiang cheng and other students coz she was at market when they were introducing themselves.)

"shije how can i woke up at 5" wei ying said cutely

"Axian, you dont worry jiang cheng will wake you up" yanli caressed his baby brother

"what? me.... i will not wake him up, and gusu is soon to become his house, so he has to follow the rules of his future in laws house" jiang cheng said straight forwardly

"cheng gege you are so mean" wei ying is so disappointed

"but if you will wake me up tomorrow, i will ask Lan Zhan about that girl" wei said teasingly

"wei, youuuuuu, i'll kick your ass" jiang cheng became so angry and embarrassed at the same time

"what cheng gege, i know you were looking at that beautiful girl at dinner table" wei again teased cheng and started running in cloud recess

"wei, stop, you brat, stop" cheng also running after him

as they both were running wei ying suddenly bumped into someone and when cheng saw that person he stopped running

when wei ying saw that person it was non other then Lan Zhan

"Running is prohibited in cloud recess" he said with his cold face but he didn't left wei ying's hand

"Hey, Lan Zhan...... hehehehe..... we were just....heheh....." wei ying became red and was smiling in embarrassment

"sorry sect leader, we are new here and we dont know about the rules and Axian is still so young so I apologized behalf of himself" Yanli said genteelly

" shije... " wei ying try to cover up

"if you don't mind miss yanli, can i borrow wei ying for sometimes, i have to discus something with him" wangji said

jiang cheng was about to say something but yanli stopped him and said yes to lan wangji and said take care to wei ying,

 wei ying on the other hand was shy and he didn't say anything, and yanli left with cheng

wangji intertwined his hand with wei ying and left for jingshi

But there was someone who was watching all of them silently it was none other then wen qingh, a tear dropped from her eyes and she also left for her room.

how was it 

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