where is wei ying

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In the early morning light, Wei Ying awoke with a slight grimace, feeling the twinge of pain in his back from the passionate night he had spent with Lan Wangji. Wangji, ever the attentive and loving partner, was already up and beside him, a worried look in his eyes as he saw Wei Ying's discomfort.

"Are you alright, Wei Ying?" Wangji asked, his voice laced with concern.

Wei Ying smiled weakly, attempting to push aside the ache in his muscles. "I'll be fine, Lan Zhan. A little soreness won't slow me down."

With gentle hands, Wangji helped Wei Ying to his feet and began to massage his aching back, eliciting a grateful sigh from Wei Ying. After some time, Wei Ying felt well enough to get ready for the day's classes.

As they prepared to part ways for their respective lessons, Wangji leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to Wei Ying's forehead. "Take care, Wei Ying. If you need anything, don't hesitate to find me."

Wei Ying returned the kiss and assured Wangji, "I'll be just fine, Lan Zhan. You focus on your duties too."

As Wei Ying made his way towards his classes, he decided to take a different route today, one that led through a serene mountain area near the river. Little did he know that this decision would change the course of his day.

As he strolled through the tranquil surroundings, he spotted a figure in the distance, hunched over and seemingly searching for something. It was Wen Chao, the same young man who had been taken with admiration for Wei Ying and his heart had become ensnared by Wei Ying's allure.Curiosity piqued, Wei Ying decided to observe Wen Chao from a distance, trying to understand what he was up to. As he watched, he noticed Wen Chao manipulating an invisible communication technique to send messages.Wei Ying's eyes widened with shock and concern. He had accidentally stumbled upon something that seemed suspicious. This could be a dangerous situation.However, before he could react, Wen Chao, as if sensing his presence, turned around and locked eyes with Wei Ying. A sinister smile crept across Wen Chao's face as he realized he had caught the young cultivator's attention.

Wei Ying tried to make a quick escape, but Wen Chao was quick to reach him, his grip strong and menacing. Wei Ying struggled and cursed under his breath, but Wen Chao only chuckled darkly.

"You are not just beautiful, Wei Ying, but smart too," Wen Chao said with a twisted grin. "But poor Wangji, how will he react when he realizes you're missing?"

In a final attempt to break free, Wei Ying spat at Wen Chao, the venom in his words matching the hatred in his eyes. "You'll regret this, you scum!"

Wen Chao signaled to his group of Wen disciples who had been hiding in the shadows, and they quickly overpowered Wei Ying. They bound his hands and gagged him with a cloth, preventing any more words from escaping his lips.

In the distance, unnoticed by the Wen disciples, Wei Ying had managed to drop his red ribbon as a subtle marker, hoping that someone would find it and follow the trail to his location.With Wei Ying securely restrained, Wen Chao and his followers began to escort him back towards their clan's territory, leaving behind the tranquil mountain area. The only trace Wei Ying left was the crimson ribbon on the ground, a silent plea for help.

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