chapter 1 - meet

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you've just moved out from your parents house into a brand new apartment and you've never been this happy. You even got a text saying you're invited to one of your kind of friends party. Tara her name is, you used to be really close before but drifted away but it seems like she wants to be your friend again, which is great!

the party starts at 7pm so you'll start getting ready at 6pm just to arrive to her house a litter earlier just to have some time to talk to her before the party actually begins.
Since it's only 2pm you decide to unpack the last of your stuff, organising and decorating your new apartment.

  —————————-time skip—————————-

It's 6pm and you start doing your makeup, you do a nice flawless base and a cute smokey eye makeup and lastly an eyeliner wing. You get dressed into a black mini skirt, a top that goes right above your bellybutton.

You stared into the mirror. "Can I really wear this?" I asked myself as I look at the white lines all over my arms. After a few minutes you decide to change into a long sleeved shirt instead just to feel safe.

"I should get going now" I said to myself as I looked at my finished outfit in the mirror. I got out of the apartment, locked the door and took the elevator down. I got into my car and drove over to Tara's, surprisingly I still remember her address even though we haven't hung out in so long. I got out the car and admired the house.
I rang the bell expecting Tara to open the door but instead a kinda tall, black haired emo boy opened the door and let me in.

"Uhm hi im Johnnie" The guy said awkwardly.
"hey Johnnie im y/n" you say as you wave toward him.
"I'll go get Tara, you wait here" he said quickly as he walked into the kitchen yelling for Tara.
Not gonna lie he was kinda cute, you laugh to yourself.
After a few minutes Tara, Johnnie and another tall guy walks up to you, Tara hugs you.
"Omg hey y/n!!!" Tara shouted.
"hiiii it's been so long omg" You smile to her.
"Right this is Jake" she said pointing towards the talk guy.
"And I guess you already met Johnnie" she laughs.
Johnnie smiles at me and Jake just waved at you.
You three walk into the kitchen and sit down waiting for the others to arrive since you were a little too early.
You small talk a little with Johnnie and Jake while Tara prepares some drinks and snacks.
"Y/n?" Johnnie asked looking down at his phone.
"Yeah?" You say Turing your head toward him.
"Is there any chance I could get your number?" He asked shyly while he puts his phone on the table pointing towards you.
"Yeah why not!" You say nicely and pick his phone up to put your number in it.
"There you go" I smile at him.

The doorbell rings and a big group of probably 20 people walk in as Tara and Jake opens the door for them while you and Johnnie stayed in the kitchen.
I look over at Johnnie and not gonna lie he looks kind of overwhelmed and worried..
"You okay?" You ask while poking his shoulder.
"Yeah it's whatever, not a big fan of parties" he replied looking down at his shoes.
You nod and look at him, you inspect his outfit.
A pair of black skinny jeans with tiny holes at the knees, a red button up shirt (iykyk) and a bunch of cool necklaces and rings, a pretty cool outfit. You look back at his face to see the lip rings he got.
"Uhm I like your lip piercings" I complimented him quietly.
"aw thank you!" He said smiling back. A few minutes of silence pass and you get up to see what everyone is up to in the living room.
As you walk in there there's at least forty people dancing, singing and goofing around on the floors. You find a tiny sofa in the corner and decide to sit there on your phone for a while. You decide to search up Johnnies Instagram.
You guess Tara follows him so you go onto Tara's insta-page and look through her "following" list. After a while of scrolling you find it "Johnnie Guilbert" it said. You click on the profile and see his followers, 2,6 MILLION followers. "Dang" you sigh to yourself.
He probably already has a girlfriend, you think. You don't know why that affected you so much, you've only said like a few things to him and think he is a little cute.

"Hey!" You hear a voice say and you look up to see Johhnie standing there.
"oh uh hi" you reply him.
"You wanna go out and take a cig? You look like you need it" ( I don't know if Johnnie smokes but whatever) he asked you, you usually don't smoke but you agree anyway and follow him out the backdoor and you guys sit down in Tara's backyard. You check the time on your phone, "8.21pm" it said. He lights the cigarette and takes a few puffs and hands it over to you and you take two puffs handing it back to him.
Johnnie takes a puff.
"Soo how do you know Tara?" He asked you putting the cigarette to his lips again."
"Well we were great friends all high school and a year after but then drifted away but since I'm here it seems like she wants to become my friend again, how bout you?" You ask as you smile
"Well through Jake, Jake and Tara used to date and Jake is like my best friend and yeah he introduced me to her I guess" he said back.
I nod.
"oh how old are you?" I asked him
"im twenty, how bout you?" He asked back
"Nineteen" you shortly respond


A/N: well this is my first time writing on here and English isn't my first language so im hoping it's alright !
Sorry for the bad ending tho my fingers hurt and im too lazy to write more😭
// author 🌸
(Word count: 1052)

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