Part-20: Accepted

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As they gets out of Lady Hyuna's room, Jungkook calls for Tae while showing him some kind of bracelet. Tae inspects it carefully taking it into his hold using his index and thumb fingers.

"I found it lying on ground back in Namwon. I think I have seen that pretty boy wearing it earlier. Should I go give him back?" Jungkook says as he tries to take the bracelet back.

"Hmh.." Taehyung hums but instead hurriedly slides the bracelet inside his pocket making Jungkook crease his forehead but he doesn't dare questioning his hyung.

"Jungkook, make sure nothing like before happen ever again. Ask the workers to tie those bamboos carefully otherwise I will break their bones with my bare hands." Tae yells those words before strolling away leaving a confused Jungkook and Yoongi gazing at each other and shrugging afterwards at the weird behavior of his hyung.

When Tae comes back to Jin's room from visiting Lady Hyuna, he witness the two sibling playing pillow fight in the bed obviously with precaution regarding his injured leg.

"So what did you decide?"

His voice breaks the happy environment around the room, turning into a gloomy one again.

"I'm staying here till the appointment." Jin's soft voice breaks the tension in the room making everyone sigh in relief.

"Have you seen your wound? Do you think it can be healed in just one day that you are talking about leaving after appointment?"

When Jin's eyebrow twitches at how odd Taehyung has been behaving making the elder realise he has just yelled those words like a sick possessive bastard.

Taehyung coughs to break the awkwardness before adding, "You cannot leave Namwon untill your mother is fully recovered and is smiling bright. Not in her illusion but a genuine one where she is aware of the truth. Then you can leave I don't care."

"Why are you doing it Taehyung? I mean why such sudden change of heart?" Jin asks as it still a mystery to him as to why the 'bad guy' is adamant in helping them.

"I was not able to comprehend her condition before. I was stupid to kick your mother out of Namwon to suffer further. I accept what I did was wrong."
It's rare for Jin to hear such a straight forward confession from a person like Taehyung.

"So now you feel guilty of your actions?"

Taehyung knows Jin is toying again with him so he just shrugs.

"I am just trying to reach someone on time which I couldn't last time." He says, genuineness lashing over his words. A painful past brings many wounds unhealed beyond imagination to his heart making him feel guilty. Of his own fate.

"Who?" Jin's questions him curiously as he has never seen Taehyung speaking with such seriousness. It is new for Jin and he is genuinely curious of the answer by the person.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, avoid wanting to touch the scariest past of his life.

"Are you writing my biopic?"

Taehyung smirks as Jin huffs, choosing not so good words for him to curse with.

When Jin couldn't bring out any reaction from Taehyung he decides to leave the topic for now while muttering a "Thanks."

The next morning:

Taehyung slams the receptionist's desk hard in anger.

"What do you mean you can't fix an appointment?" He grits his teeth in annoyance.

"Sir, please try to understand. You have to fix appointments with Mrs. Kang one month prior. I can't add you no matter how serious your case is." The lady looks terrified but maintains her posture.

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