Part-17: Challenge

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Taehyung throws the wet towel in his balcony's banister and leans against it supporting his arms. He looks around the street, flicking with night lamps, for a while then stands back when he feels uncomfortable in his shoulder. He stretches the joints of his shoulder while rolling it up and down but that made the pain worse.

He glanes at the ointment given by Lucy, lying in the small bed in the corner. Earlier he blocked her away from applying it on him knowing her intentions were far more than just applying the cream.

Hence he squeezes a gentle amount of cream in his finger and tries reaching it towards his back which is futile as he is unable to do so.

At the mean time, Jin comes out to his own balcony after a satisfied dinner and begins unclipping the clothes hanging in the rack placed there as it can rain anytime soon.

His eyes suddenly falls towards the balcony just in front of his own where Taehyung is struggling to reach his back. He never realised that balcony earlier. It's more bigger, spacious and beautiful than his own one. Obviously he comes from big money.

He bites his lips thinking of a way to help him as even after a minute of trying Taehyung fails to reach the spot.

"Moon baby, will you do something for Jinnie?"

Moon nods and runs when Jin hands him something in a plastic bag.

Jin watches from the balcony as Moon runs down the other side of street where Yoongi and Jungkook has been drinking in front of Taehyung's house. As Moon tells them something, their laughter could be heard by Jin and his forehead creases, intrugued at what they find so funny.

Moon is soon standing behind Taehyung in his balcony as the elder turn towards him with a frown.

"What the hell you're doing here? And who let you come inside huh?" Taehyung asks her, eyes drifting to Jin who busies himself in picking the clothes or so he acts.

Taehyung pulls out a wooden spatula from the plastic bag handed to him by Moon.

"What's this nonsense?"

"Jinnie said if you apply ointment through this spatula then you'll be able to reach your back easily." Moon says almost innocently pointing at Jin whose eyes widens when his eyes caught Moon pointing at him with his peripheral vision.

Hearing Moon, Taehyung ponders for a second before making a weird face and handing it back to Moon.

"Here, give it back to your Jinnie and tell him I don't need this septula." Taehyung somehow struggles to pronounce the name as he has been using wooden spoon for every other things in his kitchen so now What's this septula and stuff?

"I can do it on my own now go away." Taehyung waved her off with his palm who just shrugs and runs back down to her house.

Moon soon appears back in Jin's balcony and relies Taehyung's words which Jin was not able to listen clearly before as their balcony are a little distanced.

"Do it on my own? How the hell he'll do it on his own? Go and tell him to apply it before it affects him internally and even his hands would be required to cut due to infection spreading to his arms. Then forget about growing muscles." The whole time Jin's eyes are on Taehyung who is now lifting dumbells with the same side of arms where he is injured.

This time Taehyung is able to catch Jin's words but he just rolls his eyes. Placing the dumbell back in it's original place, he walks close to the railing and yells loud enough for Jin to hear.

"Without my consent, not even my nails can be cut and you're taking about my whole hand. What a nonsense!"

"Should I go once again, Jinnie?" Moon watches Jin with hopeful eyes waiting for him to deny as she doesn't want to run all the way back to Taehyung's house while the two men sitting down there laughed weirdly for some reason when she said them to let her enter as her Jinnie has sent something for the bad guy.

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