Part- 16: Stay

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"Oh my God... I harmed someone. Oh my God.. I can't believe I can hurt anyone physically in my entire life.. Please forgive me God-" Jin is literally panicking at this point as he mutters those words constantly while still leading the bike gracefully.

"I forgive you!" Taehyung shouts from the back as the winds blows fast in his direction.

Jin glared at him through the mirror of Taehyung's bike, "Shut up! You're the reason I had to hurt them. You could have been skilled with your gun but nope, I was completely wrong. For you I had to come back and kick their fucking asses." When Jin realises what he said he gets embarrassed of his choice of word. Is it the effect of being around Taehyung that now such filthy word is coming out of his mouth?

Taehyung chuckles at his pink dusted cheeks which is visible in the mirror. He tries holding the back of his bike which made him uncomfortable to sit.

"Why are you so overdramatic? You didn't even use your hands to harm them but still acting as if you have committed a grim sin."

Jin keeps his silence, concentrating on the road. He let his left palm clutch the steering while he carres Moon's head who is already awake by the loud noise earlier.

"I never knew you are good at riding." When Taehyung finds his own word weird he decides to add more into it to make it less awkward. "Bike.. Riding bike."

But Jin seems not to notice it and replies curtly, "Do you think I am incapable of riding a bike?"

Taehyung wanted to enjoy the cool breeze fanning his naked chest cause not everyday you find SeokJin like creature to ride your bike with while you just sit back and enjoy. But Jin is making difficult for him to calm down.

"It was a simple question so no need to twist my words and make your own assumption. I find if cool though- uhmm- I never thought loud mouth like you can also-"

Jin's irritated vocals cuts him off, "I can't hear you properly so shut buffering and let me concentrate on the road."

As Taehyung gives him direction to Namwon, they finally reached there with no further arguments fuming between them. Which both are thankful of.

"Hyung, am I witnessing the same thing as you or I've started hallucinating?" Jungkook rubs his eyes as both the figure in the bike shines through the dim street light of evening.

Moreover no one has seen Taehyung giving permission to touch his bike to anyone else but here he is, proudly sitting behind that pretty boy who seems to somehow prevented his head from getting beheaded by his hands.

Yoongi chuckles, folding his arm above his chest while they are settled in the bench in front of Tae's house as he heard loud murmurs consume whole Namwon dong. He can hear whispers of the locals eyeing the duo in the bike.

"Taehyung is one of a kind, isn't he? Just yesterday he kicked that boy out of Namwon and today calmly riding the same bike with him."

"Darling, I told you it's difficult to understand Taehyung. He is out of anyone's league."

Yoongi heard one of the older couple conversing in front of their house with an amused look on their face. Well they aren't wrong. People often mistake his power over Namwon as his arrogance but deep down he embrace this place as his own. He has attempted to free Namwon from Mr. Gyu's evil eyes by asking Lady Hyuna for granting him full authority over Namwon.

He heard some teenagers gushing over Taehyung's half naked body which is shining in it's full glory, while some others cursing the pretty boy with whom Taehyung is riding his bike with.

He shook his head with a smirk and continue with his nap without bothering to pay any heed to their gossip.

As Jin gets out of the bike with Moon, Taehyung slides to the front taking the lead of the bike into his palm.

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