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"yew told Y/N bout Paula?" an upset face written all over 2ds face.

did he hear me telling her about Paula just now? when the did he wake up from sleeping?

"I- no I didn't." I knew i did tell her about Paula. Why am I lying to him?

"So we're lyin now? If yew didn't tell her bout Paula then wha did I jus hear. Paula is snotty? why would yew say tha bout her, she loved meh in her own way. That dont make her fuckin snotty!"

I understand he's mad but he shouldn't be raising his voice at me. Is it really MY fault Y/N got curios?

I knew I shouldn't have told her because something like this would've happened.

"2d she cheated on you, where In cheated on do you not understand that she didn't love you? If she really loved you she wouldn't have have cheated on you with murdoc!"

he can't be this oblivious.

his facial expression changed immediately to a look of shock.

"what is your problem noodle? why would yew say tha!"

"she doesn't love you anymore, you need to move on." I really didn't want to say that to 2d about Paula but he can't be stuck up on some slut.

"yo what's goin on here?" Russel had came into the living room from hearing all the yelling.

"nothing." Me and 2d both said in unison

"I'm going to my room, bye." I walked away from 2d giving him a side eye as I walked down the hall.

I could hear Russel asking 2d what happened but he wouldn't budge saying anything to Russel.

shutting my door I laid my back against the door sliding down and cupping my head in my hands.


why isn't Stuart answering his messages or calls?

I had told noodle to tell him to give me a call but he couldn't even give me a message back, was it because i left without saying goodbye to him face to face? no I don't think that's it.

I'll give him one last text.


hey Stuart, I'm not sure
                                  noodle told you to give me a

are you okay? you
usually reply fast.

Give me a call back
once you've seen this.

I gave up on trying to text anymore, if only I had noodles number to call and see what's up.

I can't just show up to Kong after I just left, that's weird.

sighing I set my phone down next to me on the couch grabbing the remote control and flicking some random channel on.

after a few minutes I got bored of watching tv and decided to do something other than sit around all day on the couch.

I put my work clothes to wash and dry, cooked myself a small meal, and was now sweeping the floors.

I was listening to some random playlist of mine until I heard a loud ringtone blaring onto the speaker.

I ran to my phone and saw it was Stuart.

I quickly swiped answer and spoke.

"so he's not dead." I laughed, he let out a small laugh.


"wha did she tell yew?" what is he talking about?

"who tell me what?"

"noodle, bout Paula." Im guessing he heard me and noodle shit talking Paula before I left Kong. I should've connected the dots, what if he was purposely ignoring me?

"Oh. Noodle didn't tell me much, Honestly. Just that she was your girlfriend and nothing else. Why what's up?" I didn't want to lie to him but I couldn't throw noodle under the bus like that.

"Tha's all?" okay maybe he does know I'm lying because why would he ask me that.

"uhm yeah. what happened?" he stayed silent

"nofink. I'll talk to yew later, bye Y/N." I didn't even get to say goodbye, he hung up immediately.

I sighed to myself as I scratched the back of neck.

looking at my phone it read 10:38pm. I had done a lot to pass time and it sure enough worked.

I should get to bed, before it gets too late.

I shut off all the lights and walked upstairs changing into sleep wear.

I'll talk to Stuart about it tomorrow when he comes into the diner.

I shut my eyes and went to bed.

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