Hes new?

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you had been working at Rubin's diner for about a few months now, everything was seemingly going great. You had become slight-friends with your manager, Amelia


'She was in her late 40's, though. But a friend is a friend..right?? Whatever I don't even know what im saying, I need a friend my age! It's embarrassing being all alone at an age like this, 23 sucks.'  I thought to myself as I wondered how I could possibly meet people.

"But at the moment I had to focus on work, I can think about my decisions later on when I'm off work." I whispered so that only I could hear it while I tied up my skirt.

I was changing into my uniform in the back office since I was late to work and didn't have time to put on my uniform. Amelia was hesitant about letting me go in her back office, "Calm down I won't rob anything! What would I even want to rob Amelia. Your ancient cassettes? I think not." I said through the inside of the office door

"Well I don't know, maybe you like 'ancient cassettes!!" She shouted on the other side. Amelia was always on about that "don't trust anyone" shit which made this situation completely worse.

I was finally done changing and looked in the mirror, the uniforms weren't so bad, but one thing for sure is that I wasn't used to this. It was a dark brown skirt with a matching dark brow button up with a Creme colored apron. It was also mandatory to put your hair up so I had to put my up in a pony tail with a matching Creme hair tye. I looked...cute? I shrugged to myself in the mirror and walked out, walking past Amelia as she huffed to me, I just rolled my eyes at her, I'm not going to argue with a 46 year old woman.

I went to the booth and stood in the corner of the booth until I looked up and saw someone new. "Who's that?" I whispered to myself. Well. 'Time to take orders.' I thought looking around at the other people scattered, not many people just a few.

As I walked up to this new customer I haven't seen before I took in his features more. I stopped in my tracks. 'He has blue hair? Spiky blue hair. huh, I haven't seen anyone with dyed hair in here.' I started walking again.

I finally reached the blue haired man and saw he was holding his wallet in his hands as he looked down, he was zoned out. I decided to speak up.

"Hi welcome to Rubin's diner! I'll be serving you today. Are you ready to order?'  I spoke to him. He jumped up to the sound of my voice and looked up at me as I smiled at him, my smile slightly faded. 'he has..he has full on pitch black eyes.' I said in my head, I cant made a face that'll be rud-' I got interrupted in my thoughts when he spoke up

"oh erm I didn' see yew dere." He said to me as he rubbed his hand on the back on his neck looking embarrassed. "It's all good don't worry. Now, can I get you started anything?" I smiled at him and he 'tried?' To smile at me and slightly saw how he had two missing front teeth. 'Why was it...kind of cute?' I started smiling more but quickly stopped.

"Can i 'ave a glass of beer?" the man said out blankly, looking at the menu above me and looking back at me. "Of course, anything else?" I told him as I wrote it down on my notepad in hand. "No tha's all." he responded.

"Do you want me to start a ta-" "I 'lready got a tab, juss put et on ma' tab." He responded interrupting me. "Okay, can I get your name?" I told him. He looked at me confused at the fact I didn't know his name, but still said the tab name "2D." I put the glass of beer on his tab and told him I'd be right back.

I went to the side of the booth and grabbed a glass cup under the booth and put it on the beer dispenser and pressed the button and stopped it as soon as It filled to the brim.

I walked over to him and placed it in front of him. "Here you go, 2D." I said as I smiled at him, he was still staring at his wallet. "Like the hair by the way and the name!" I complimented, he looked up at me saying that and smiled at me, it looked...slightly genuine but whatever. "thank yew." 2D replied "of course!" I walked away and went serving other customers.

I had served about 3 people before more and more people started pouring in. 'This place is popular I guess.' I thought. I looked back at the booth where 2D was sitting and he was getting up to leave right as he saw people looking over at him and coming in towards him. 2D looked up and caught me staring at him and just smiled at me, I smiled awkwardly, embarrassed that, he caught me staring but still waved bye at him but just like that. He walked through those doors. He was gone. 'Bummer I wouldn't be able to see him ever again, he was kinda cute.'  I thought frowning. I wish he stayed a bit longer.

I finished taking my last people's orders and serving them a while after 2D left. My shift has now ended. I walked back to where Amelia was to tell her that my shift is over and that I'm leaving but I just HAD to tell her about this guy!!

"hey Ames..." I spoke knocking on open door to tell her I'm here. She hummed in response. "There was this guy that came in that I'd never seen before, I was just wondering if you'd maybe know anything about him?" I told her, desperation in my eyes. "What makes ya think I know every single customer tha' comes in 'ere?" She looked up at you rolling her eyes. "Well I don't know! He has a half-full tab so thought MAYBE you'd know him." I told her.  "Whats he look like?" She responded putting her focus back on writing random shit on these papers on her desk.

"he had no eyes Amelia. And blue hair, and no-" she interrupted me. "Oh that's 2D. He's a regular. I thought you've seen him around during your past shifts?" She told me. "No I'm not quite sure I remember." I sighed looking at her.

"He's quite somethin in a place like this." She told pointing her hand out the the inside of the diner. "What do you mean?" I told her.

"Hes in a band, a famous band and 'es comin here out of all places. Never really understood why, but I mean a customer is a customer." She shrugged smiling to herself.

he's famous.?

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