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Your POV:

I finally made it London.

Everyone got off the plane and retreated their bags. I walked off the plane and dragged my luggage to the airport entrance. I walked in and looked around, 'it looks so different, everything feels' I thought smiling like a dumbass in the middle of the airport, I quickly stopped once I realized and walked over to seat myself.

I had taken my phone off airplane mode a few minutes before we boarded off the plane so I wouldn't forget to turn it off and miss out on any important messages or calls.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I pulled it out as I looked at the screen. "An email notification? Who sends emails nowadays?" I said to myself, I open the email and read it slowly.

My job application at that diner had gotten accepted. I just needed to go in and check in!! I jumped up from your seat a yelled out "YES!!!" the airport went quiet and everyone's eyes landed on me. I quickly sat my ass down, pretending to do something on my phone, but I started bouncing on my chair.

'I'm having the best luck so far!!!' I thought to myself as I stared at my phone smiling.

I called for a taxi and waited outside the airport. Just then a bright yellow taxi pulled in front of me. "Fo' Y/N?" The taxi driver said in a British accent. "Yup." I replied to the man in the drivers seat And opened the door putting your luggage in the seat next to I as you sat.

The taxi driver started to car and looked back resting his arm around the chair looking at me. "where to luv'?" He asked me, 'guess it's true, they do say "luv." you thought. I showed the driver my phone which had the address on it as he carefully viewed the address. He nodded and turned back into his seat moving the car forward.

" going to my new "flat" in London, wishing the best for myself right now." I said to myself in a slight whisper.

"You will like et here. not so bad if ya think 'bout it. You'll love et." I looked up with a smile on my face. I smiled at him. he heard me, wait. HE HEARD ME????? ".......thank you..." I said quickly still embarrassed that he had heard me say that to myself.

he just looked up at smiled at me. ' thank god it didn't become awkward.' I thought to myself.

I eventually made it to the flat and checked in the main office and got my keys after a very long trip here. It was pretty easy getting the keys, they didn't need verification. "No doubt im not going to get robbed." I said while unlocking the door.

I opened it and it was genuinely very nice. your mouth slightly opened seeing how pretty it is. The kitchen counters were grey marble, the floor boards were dark oak, and the couches were a pretty grey. "jeez it's nice in here, I didn't expect it to be like this." I said.

This apartment was pretty good for $800. It was two floors. One living room, two bathrooms, one kitchen, and 3 bedrooms. Not so bad and pretty cheap. The upstairs had an extra space in the middle . "I'll have to find out what I'll do with that space, maybe a lounge? nah. What about a gaming set up? nah. I'll just turn it into a small living room. Yeah, that's a better idea." I said while I was viewing the space upstairs.

I had gotten to London at about 5:18am and it was now 2:53am. I had spent basically all day unpacking and fixing the flat to feel homey.

An hour after I arrived to the apartments all of my boxes of things got delivered to my front door so I was able to unpack on time. "Luck is on my side today." I said as I placed the last pillow on the couch.

My room and every other room was all fixed and organized, bathroom has essentials,cleaning supplies. kitchen had silverware, and food. The living room already came with a tv so lucky me again. Every room had everything it needed inside. I was finally done. "FINALLYYYY!!!!" I said while I dragged my hands down my hair.

"Tomorrow I'll go into the diner and check myself in. I need to work starting by tomorrow in order to keep my rent due, but now that I'm thinking about it $20 an hour isn't so bad for working at a diner, it'll work for me right now. it's something for staters like me I guess." I planned out my schedule for tomorrow out loud for absolutely no reason, I shrugged to myself.

I headed off to my new room and laid in my bed. I stared at the wall until I took a deep breath in and said to myself "good job Y/N, good job." I praised myself for well on my first day here. I was having a good start.

"Let's see what tomorrow has in store for me." I said as I drifted off to sleep.

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