Another encounter

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You had just made it to the diner right on time to start your shift. It was about 10:23am. your shift started at 10:30am.
"Right on time." You said to yourself.

you walked to Amelia's office and punched into work, in the meantime you cleaned tables and washed cups and plates. But one thing kept distracting you. Him, 2D.

Amelia said he was a regular and he would come almost everyday, you were just hoping that he'd come in today for sure. But you weren't exactly sure when he'd be coming.

'Should I start small talk with him? What do I say? How do I act? What band is he in?? How famous is it? Have I heard their songs before??' You had so many questions for this him.

'I don't want to sound weird asking him all this though. I'll just act normal towards him, I don't ever think I'm going to know more about him anyways' you thought in your head as you sighed and propped your arms up on the booth table as you rested your head in your hands.


My shift had started and people were already coming inside and sitting down. I had nothing better to than take their orders and serve them, that was my job after all, yeah?

You served about 4 tables and were now walking back to the booth until you heard one of your coworkers, Kasey shout out at you, "Y/N! can you take my next tables? I have to leave early today. I'll cover your shift for you anytime you want!" Kasey said "yeah it's fine. But remember, you owe me one." You told her walking past her now behind the booth.

"Thank you thank you!!!" She hugged you real quick, went out back and left. "She's in a rush." You said to yourself turning your back to the diner as you put the plates you were holding in the dishwasher.

"wonda were shes goin off ta." someone replied. you quickly turned your back around slightly jumping at the sudden response to your comment and turned your back so you were now facing them. It was 2D.

"oh sorreh, I didn' mean ta scare yew." 2D said to you. "It's all good dont worry." You nervously chuckled then spoke up again. "Can I get you anything?"

You pulled out your notepad and pen and got ready to write. "can I 'ave the uh, i don' really kno'. Wot do yew recommend? drink wise." he asked looking at you.

"I recommend the pink raspberry lemonade! There's an option where you can get alcohol in it or not too. But I usually get it without!" You replied to him.

"I'll get tha 'ven. I'll get tha' non-alcohol one. thank yew....uhh I kinda forgo' yeur name..." he said to you nervously.

you pointed to your name tag on the left side of your chest and said "it's Y/N." 2D replied "oh. Sorreh. I didn' see tha." As he looked puzzled at the name tag while squinting his eyes.

"It's fine don't worry, I'll get going with your drink. I'll be back in a few!" You said as you walked away to the kitchen as you told the cook for a pink raspberry.

After waiting for a few minutes they handed you the drink and you went over to the booth and placed down the drink.

"Here you go, hope you like it." You said smiling at him.

"Thank yew Y/N" he told you as he looked down and grabbed the straw while he took a sip, he lightly nodded his head. "Anytime! I'm going to serve these tables over here." You said pointed on the right side of the diner "Flag me over if you need anything or a refill."

"yeh alrigh'." He responded to you looking back up from his drink to you nodding. You just smiled at him and walked over to the tables.



I was walking over to this empty table to pick up the empty dishes from it to wipe it down until I remembered what happened earlier with the people sitting here.

They had been pretty rude to me when I had gotten their order wrong, even after I apologized they continued criticizing me about how "I cannot do my job right."

"so fuckin rude for what." I mumble under my breath as I went to the booth taking out the now clean dishes inside and replacing them with the dirty ones.

I hadn't realized I had a frown on my face until 2D pointed it out. "Yew alrigh' 'ere    Y/N?" I straightened my back chuckling while saying "yeah I'm fine." He hummed in response.

"And also, what are you still doing here? It's getting pretty late."

2D had came at about 1:34pm and it was now about to be 3pm.  I was getting confused of why he hadn't left yet. 'he just got a drink, right??' I thought to myself.

"I guess it's gettin pretty late, huh, I better get goin then, put it on ma tab by tha' way." He told me as he looked down at his empty glass with the ice starting to melt.

"Yeah I will, well I'll see you around soon?" you told 2D. "Yeh, see ya around Y/N."

"Bye 2D!!" You waved goodbye to him as he stood up and walked out the two double doors.

"This man is gonna have quite the expensive tab to pay soon." You mumbled to yourself laughing while shaking your head.

You went back to serving about 2 more tables until your shift was over.

Thank god I didn't remember the questions I was going to ask him, that would've been awkward. I mentally face palmed.

What a day.

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