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Your POV:

I picked up my phone looking at the clock. '11:36pm' it read, I had been packing since 10 in the morning.

I was sitting up in the middle of my room packing, this is exhausting. "my arms fucking hurt." I whined out loudly. "What made me think I could carry these boxes off of my bed myself and into the doorway." I said to myself. I laid my back against the floor, the cold feeling of the wooden floor boards against my back gave me shivers down my spine. I groaned and quickly got back up, Rubbing my forearm.

now back in your sitting up position you had realized. Moving 9 hours away from Chicago was honestly going to be difficult. "London better be fucking good." I said out loud to myself as I rested my head in my hand. I was now thinking this entire moving situation. 'I'd never think it'd be this hard to move, or that I'd move. But yet here I am.' I thought looking around. "what next?" I said aloud while I look around my now almost empty room, very few things were left, Like decor, clothes, and other random items I'd kept in my room.

I got up fully while I moved boxes out the way so I was able to walk through, a VERY loud squeaking sound coming from the boxes as I moved them, I mentally cringed.

I walked out the door I was now walking down the hallway to the kitchen where I grabbed a box off of the floor and grabbed the marker that had been in my pocket while I wrote "RANDOM" on the box.

I picked up the box while I had now started walking back down the hallway as my shoes tapped against the floor to my now old room until I stopped a few steps in. I turned around and look back to the now completely empty apartment. 'I'm really leaving, I'm leaving my life here in Chicago behind in a few days, I cannot believe this.' I thought in my head while i kept looking around, the apartment was completely empty.

I sighed as i turned back around walking back to the room. I got lost in my thoughts thinking about my future. 'I'm leaving my life here in Chicago behind, my family, my friends, where I was raised. What's going to happen once I move to London? What if I don't like it? What if I hate it there? What if-' i snapped out of my thoughts when I bumped into the door. "Ouch!" I yelled out as I held my shoulder, box in the other arm. I rolled my eyes to absolutely nothing and went to sit on my bed as I picked things off of the shelf above my bed off slowly and carefully putting them into the now opened box. I sighed very loud as in look at the shelf and other boxes i had to move out of the room on my very own.

"This is going to take a while." I said outloud.

Denial.     (2dxReader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora