On the way

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you had made it to the airport a few hours ago and had been seated into your seat as you looked out the window of the plane, the plane was about to leave the airport, everybody was just waiting for the flight attendants to check everyone off.

About 30 minutes in you realized that no one was in the seat next you, which meant you were going to sit all by yourself. You look around to see if anyone was looking for their seat but soon enough realized that everyone was seated and on board. you shrugged to yourself and sat back down staring out the window.



After putting on seat belts and checking everyone on we were finally in the air. you were so exhausted you couldn't even think properly. you were slowly drifting to sleep as soon enough your eyes closed.

About an hour and a half later you woke up to the plane shaking, you eyes shot open as you looked around. You had then realized that it was just some turbulence. You sighed and tired falling back asleep but it just became impossible for you at the moment.

You had decided to take your phone out and take it off of airplane mode for a bit to find a place or a job you can get, you hadn't really thought about where you were going to stay for the night once you got there. Or how you were going to get money. You looked around and eventually found an apartment complex for only $800 a month. You'd have to go to the office of the apartment and rent it out once you got to London though. All though, It was very neat. it'll do for you for now.

You then went scrolling for jobs for about an hour until you found a job not so far from the apartment. It was simple and not too much, it was a diner. You looked further into this "diner place" and turns out they're pretty small but a bit popular .  "Rubin's Diner" it was called. "Not so bad." You thought as you filed a job application online, turns out you don't need much experience to be a waiter or a server. " All you had to do was wait for it to get accepted and once you landed you could just Uber to the diner walk in and show your application. Kinda similar with the apartment.

Now for you to wait.

Denial.     (2dxReader)Where stories live. Discover now