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you had just gotten back home after your shift had ended. 2D left around 3pm and your shift ended at 7:35pm.

Now laying down in your bed still in your uniform you were thinking about your small talk with 2d today, it seemed normal. As if you guys if we're friends. But you knew that in reality you guys weren't. He was just a regular.

While you were thinking more about your talk with 2d you remembered something that you were going to do. Ask 2d about himself.

you hadn't asked 2d anything about himself. You wanted to know more about him and this band of his, what could his band possibly be called? You had to find out who he was.

I'll ring up Amelia. She'd ought to know more, right?


I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs to the kitchen island and I grabbed my back and rummaged through it for my phone.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it scrolling through my contacts unit I found Amelia. I clicked call and soon enough my phone buzzed into my hand.



Bzz- "Hello?" Spoke my manager

"Hey it's me, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, are you busy?" I told her through the phone. "no I'm not busy at the moment, what's up Y/N?" She asked concern in her voice.

"It's about the guy I asked you about a few days ago? Blue hair, no eyes-" "oh 2d???" Amelia finished my sentence. "Yeah him!" I responded my lightening up.

"*sigh* what about him?" She told me "do you happen to know what his band is called?" I asked her, I was desperate to know something about the band.

"it's Gorillaz. With a Z. Like gorilla but with a z y'know? g-o-r-" I interrupted her before she kept yapping about this band. "-okay I get I get." She scoffed at me saying "you asked and I delivered, but anyway anything else you need to know?" She asked.

"Nope! All good now." I said to her. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at Rubin's. Bye Y/N."


I put my phone in my apron pocket.

That was pretty easy. All I had to do now was search it up. I felt a bit bad that I was over here stalking 2d and his band behind his back. But I mean, it doesn't hurt to be a bit curios does it?.. no I'm pretty sure it doesn't. But wait.

What if when I ask him about his band it makes him uncomfortable? I don't want to make him uncomfortable to the point he stops showing up to Rubin's. This was an important thought. I had to watch out about what I say.

I'll take it slow asking him questions, if I want to get to know more about him I'd have to do it slowly. All good things come slowly, right? I was putting to much thought into this.

I grabbed my bag off the kitchen table and made my way back up to the starts turning off all the downstair lights off on way.

I went into my room and closed the door and I closed my curtain. As I opened my dresser and took out a pair of black shorts with a white rim and a white tank top with a pair of black socks.

I changed out of my uniform and put on my new clean clothes on, I opened my door and went back down the stairs turning on the hallway light as I made my way to the laundry room throwing my uniform in the washer with a detergent pod.

I stared at the uniform spinning in the washer. 'Another day of work tomorrow. So fuckin tiring, but hey. Atleast I get to see 2d. That's something to look forward to, aint it?' I thought to myself.

you snapped out of your thoughts once you realized you've been standing in front of the washer and made your way back up the stairs turning off the hallway light.

I went back into my room crisscrossing onto my bed and I opened my nightstand that was next to my bed and pulling out my computer. I opened it up and put it on my lap as it turned on and the white apple logo showed up on the screen.

A few seconds later it turned on and i put in my passcode. Once my screen loaded I hit the safari button and typed in "Gorillaz band."

I was shocked to find article after article after article about him and his band. I clicked images immediately saw 2d and 3 other people around him.

One man really stood out, he had green skin. He was the color of a fucking pickle. "The fuck is he on?" I said outloud. But other than that he had black hair that was greasy. Unhygienic much.?

Next to pickle man I saw a little Japanese girl. With a pretty cute helmet on which I'm guessing were stickers all over it? She was cute. And next to the little girl I saw a dark man on the larger side with completely white eyes, he had no hair.

'This band of 2d's is very....interesting.' I thought to myself. "The only normal looking one is the little girl." I said looking at more photos of this band and yet enough she was the only looking normal.

I decided to look deeper and saw that they had released an album called 'Demon days' it was a big hit. I scrolled through their songs and heard a snippet of a song called 'Clint Eastwood."

I know this song!

Danny had played it on his radio back in Chicago at a party we went to. I guess I did know something about Gorillaz after all. I smiled to myself now knowing I know what his band looks like and what their band name is.

I scrolled down and all the information of the band. The green man was named murdoc, the small Japanese girl was named noodle, the large man was called Russel and the blue haired man was called well 2d. Their band was indeed famous. 5.1million followers. Wow.

'This is so cool, I have a famous band member that's a regular in a diner I work at!! I've been serving him ever since I first met him. Maybe me and 2d will get closer? fuck I just want to talk to him again I can't wa-' my thought were interrupted by a faint beeping sound.

It was the washer telling me that the clothes was ready to put into the dryer. I groaned and saved the tab for tomorrow for me to look at. I shut my computer and got out of my crisscross position and stood up putting my computer back into the nightstand.

Once I was downstairs I threw the damp clothes into the washer. "I'll just take out the clothes tomorrow morning and change into them real fast." I said to myself as I walked back up the stairs. Turning off all the lights.

I went into my room and closed the door behind me sitting in my bed and I ran my hands through my hair before I shut off my nightstand light off and layed down in bed pulling the blanket under me over me.

Why am I excited? I barely know him.

Denial.     (2dxReader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu