hang out later?

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I woke up to my phone alarm blaring into my ears. I sat up rubbing my eyes as I pressed the stop icon getting up out of bed and walking downstairs groaning as I walked into the laundry room taking my uniform out of dryer and heading upstairs to my bathroom.

It was 5 in the morning so I had about 3 hours before work started, I always tried doing light makeup in the morning before work but i would always rush and never have time but luckily for today I didn't sleep in. today id have time to do it nicely.

I folded my clothes on top of the sink counter and turned on the shower to a warm temperature stripping off my clothes and I hopped in.


I got out of the shower and wiped my body down with a towel while I put my hair up in another towel. "I'm so cold I'm so cold I'm so fucking cold!!" I said to myself as I quickly put on my clothes and removed the towel out of my hair.

I reached down into the bottom cabinet and pulled out a hair dryer and a brush. I plugged in the dryer and flicked the switch on.

I ran the dryer through my hair for a few minutes until it was dry before un plugging it. I brushed my hair throughly before putting everything back into the bottom cabinet. I turned off the bathroom light and made my way into my room.

I sat down at my small desk in the corner of my room and opened the desk drawer while I pulled out my makeup bag.

'I'm going to see 2d today. Im so excited!."I thought in my head as I smiled like a dork continuing to do my makeup.

It took about 15 minutes to finish completely, i didn't do much. I just curled your lashes, mascara, concealer, and blush with some chapstick. Not too much or too little, it was perfect.

I cleaned the house for a bit before I had to leave and head to work. I always had to leave 30 minutes earlier so I'd be a work on time since..I unfortunately didn't have a car.


I made it to work right on time, when I arrived it was already 8:40 which is when my shift started. I punched in and went over to my booth as I waited for a customers to come in.

I hadn't remembered but Kasey hasn't been to work in days. Ever since she told you she had to leave early that one day and if you can take over her shift for her. You were getting worried but shrugged it off, you did hear her on the phone a week ago that she was going on vacation, maybe she went on vacation?

I shrugged it off, it was probably just that anyways, why does it matter to me anyways? I barely knew the girl. Whatever.



It now rolled around 12:25pm, this is the time 2d usually comes in. you wanted to see him so badly your arm kept bouncing up and down.

You had waited 7 tables getting each and every persons order, your legs were very sore from practically sprinting across the diner every singe minute. You decided to take a break and stand for a bit behind the booth.

Standing behind the booth you pulled out a rag and wiped down the dirty spots and stains until you heard the door bell ring, you looked up and saw that it was 2d walking in.

A smile appeared on your face as you said "hey 2d!" And put the rag into the trash bin and you leaned your arms against the booth. He went over to you and sat down in his usual seat as he said " 'ey  Y/N, how are ya?" He asked you.

"I'm pretty decent at the moment, legs are just sore from walking around, I think I about 7 in a half hours left of my shift. How are you?" You replied to him " 'I'm alrigh', jus came 'ere ta take a break." You hummed in response. "You want anything?"

"erm actually, can I 'ave the lemonade thing I got yesterday?" he asked you " yeah of course I'll be right back." You went out back for a few minutes and came back to the booth in another few minutes setting down the drink in front of him. "Here you go." you smiled at him. "Thank yew." he replied, you nodded in response.

He looked down at his drink and took a few sips then started twirling the straw around the cup. silence filled the space in between you two.


"I decided to break it. "hey 2d?" I was going to ask him this entire band thingy, I just wanted to know a little more about it, yknow?

Yes I barley met him, and barley know him. But I mean, It wasn't such a big deal to ask him a few questions right?.

He looked up at me "Yeh?"  I'll just start off with a small question. "So I heard you were in a band. Am I right?"

2d stopped twirling the straw and looked up at me chuckling "yew barley found tha out Y/N?"
he started to laugh and put the back of his hand over his mouth.

"Well how am I supposed to know if you were or weren't? I was barely informed that someone in a FAMOUS BAND was in a diner I work at and turns out I serve them!" I whispered shouted. "At first when I saw you I thought that you were just like everyone else that comes into here but with dyed blue hair and white contacts, not to be rude or anything."

2ds laugh slowly came to a stop as he said "tha wasn' rude at all Y/N don't worry bout it. N 'ese ain't contacts, 'dey real. Same wit dis hair." He pointed at his eyes then hair. "wait. THATS REAL???"  I said a bit too loud, the diner went quiet as half of the people's seated laid their eyes on me, "sorry sorry." I said to everyone but quickly focused my attention back on 2d "those are real? not fake??" I whisper shouted to him.

"yup, dis is all real Y/N." He chuckled taking a big sip of his drink. "you HAVE to tell me about this tomorrow when you come in!!!" you told him a slight smile plastered onto your face.

"Hey Y/N?" You turned your head to the right and saw your manager calling your name.

"Hold on, I'll be right back 2d." I walked away from 2d and went to where ame was.

"what's up?" I replied to her. "you leave early today, I forgot to mention that to you yesterday on the phone." She looked at you and then behind you seeing 2d and smiled while speaking again, "don't forget to call in Cassie or Kasey before you leave." And she walked back into her office.

I walked back over to the booth where I was originally standing talking to 2d, apparently he eavesdropped me and Ame's quick conversation.

"Yew leave early ta' day?" 2d asked, looking me "apparently so, what day is it?" I asked 2d. "Friday." He responded. "Oh it's my last of work for the week, that's why." I replied.

2d hummed in response. "Aye Y/N?" I looked over him "what is it?" I said to him.

"Yew want ta hang out afta ya shift is ova? So we can talk fo' a bit?" He asked me.

"Yeah of course 2d, my shift ends in aboutttt...5 minutes?" I smiled at him and went out back until I realized.

2d wants to hangout? With me? That's a bit odd, why me?

I stopped thinking about it and just decided to live in the moment.

what's the worst that could happen hanging out with 2d for a bit? Maybe he'll tell me more about himself.

this could be an opportunity to make a friend I guess.

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