Sick Day

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Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while... I'm rly bad at updating regularly, but I'm trying to get better! This takes place sometime after season 3 ends. It doesn't really matter when. Anyways, this is a request from @Mozzadella on AO3, so I hope they like it! Thx for the request! 

Eda's POV:

I yawn deeply as I start to wake up, the sunlight filtering in through my closed eyelids. Groaning, I roll over and try my best to avoid the light that pierces its way into my vision. Unfortunately, I am met with a face full of twigs when I roll over and I sit up, frowning at the mess. The nest normally isn't this disheveled in the morning as Raine, who always sleeps next to me (except when their back starts to hurt), stays still when they sleep. I move around a lot when I sleep, but it doesn't bother me much normally. Today, however, the nest is hot and all the bedsheets, including the ones on Raine's side, are messy. I inspect the nest and, as I move to fix the blanket (something Raine normally does as they get up first), I hit a lump under the covers. The lump groans and wiggles itself as far into the blanket as it can. I grin slightly at Raine's sleeping form. They stayed up late last night, so I guess I should've expected this although it doesn't usually happen. I shrug off my concern and get up, pulling on my robe and tromping down the stairs as quietly as possible. I check the clock in the kitchen as I walk in and I'm suprised to find that it's already 10am. I hear a noise coming from the living room and I quietly peer around the corner to see King on the couch watching TV. Luz brought one over as soon as she got the portal up and running because she though we'd like to have one. I smile at the tiny ball of fur thats currently on the couch with a bowl of the sugariest cereal known to witch. Rolling my eyes, I walk over and ruffle the fur on his head.

"Morning bud. How'd ya sleep?" He doesn't even budge at my question and he only gives me a slight nod when I flick him on the forehead. I really need to ask Camila how she got Luz to stay off this stupid picture box for so long. I sigh and walk into the kitchen again to grab some cereal. Luz is coming over later today, so she should be able to get King off that box. I grab my scroll and start scrolling through Penstagram as I eat my breakfast. A little while later I can hear some movement upstairs and I smile at the thought of a sleepy Raine getting up with their bedhead and stumbling around while trying to get ready. It's a Saturday, so no one has anything important to do besides hanging out. I grin again as I hear the stairs creak with the weight of Raine's footfalls. I look up as they enter the kitchen and I'm slightly suprised to see them wrapped in a blue fuzzy blanket with fox slippers on their feet. Well, I'm suprised about the blanket, the slippers are normal. They cough slightly as the walk in a plop down onto one of the seats we have littered about the kitchen. I study them in silence as they get their breakfast. Their nose is red and looks sore and they're also shivering slightly, but they also seem sweaty underneath the huge blanket. Furthermore, they look grumpy. After knowing Raine for as long as I have (and after being their partner for a while), I can tell that they're sick. Now, depending on the person I have a method for sick days. With Luz I always have to promise to watch movies and snuggle all day because she never goes back to sleep and if I just left her then she'd end up doing something stupid because of her deliriousness. With King I can just pick him up and wrap him up like a burrito in a blanket and then he'll fall straight to sleep. It's easy with him because he's less feisty when he's sick. With Raine, however, they get grumpy. Really grumpy. Last time they were sick I got roasted 21 and a half times (don't ask) after Lilly and Darius left me to deal with them all week. This time I'm slightly more prepared.

"Raine? How are you feeling?" I ask as quietly as I can, trying my best not to trigger their inevitable headache. They just look up and level me a dissapproving glare. Not good then. I groan inwardly and prepare myself to speak. "You look like you might be a little sick. Do you wanna go lie down and stay in bed all day?" They take a deep breath and I regret asking instantly.

"Lay down? I'm a busy person Eda! I can't just afford to lay down and do nothing all day! And I'm NOT sick! I'm perfectly fine besides I have a lot of work to do with rebuilding, so even if I was sick, I'm not going to just neglect my duties! I can work even with a sickness so I'll be fine. Not that I'm sick at all, I just-" Here they break off to cough uncontrollably into their elbow. I just roll my eyes at their antics.

"Come on, grumpy-mcgee. Let's get you to bed." I stand up and pull them to bed with much annoyed arguing and snide comments from them. When we get to my room, I push them into bed and jump on top of them before they can move to get up again.

"Eda! Get off me! I don't need to rest, I'll be fine! I'm not even sick! I-" Throughout their little speech I've gotten my scroll and I've called Luz. I put my hand over their mouth to shut them up and a muffled indignant squeak leaves them in response. "Hey Eda! I'm on my way over there right now! Don't worry I didn't forget about it, I even brought ice cream!" Luz says enthusiastically when she picks up the phone. I wait for a few minutes to let her ramble before speaking.

"Hi kid. Raine's sick." A protest comes from the mouth that I'm currently covering. "Anyways, we're just gonna be in bed all day, so if you don't wanna come then we get it. King would like it if you picked him up though." I say quickly, before Raine bites my hand in order to get it off them. "Oh no! Tell Raine I hope they feel better soon! And I'm still coming over. We can lie in bed all day and watch movies with them! I'll bring even more ice cream and we can watch How to Train Your Dragon! You know, the movie I wanted to show you? I think Raine would like Hiccup and Toothless, especially all the sarcasm. Give me one second and I'll be there!" I open my mouth to respond, but she's hung up before I can. I sigh. Well, I guess she'll find out Raine's a grumpy sick when she gets here.

A few minutes later I hear the front door open and Hooty greets Luz cheerfully. King's little paws hit the ground as he runs over and I can almost imagine the way she picks him up and swings him into a hug and then onto her shoulder. I smile as I hear the footfalls on the steps, but Raine buries their face into my shoulder and mutters something about their 'stupid ears hearing everything so well'. I surpress a giggle at that and look up as Luz and King walk in. "Hey kid." I whisper in an effort to help Raine's headache. "They've got a headache so be quiet. Also, just as a warning, Raine's a grumpy sick." Raine glares at me and mutters a muffled 'no I'm not you're grumpy, idiot' from their position on my shoulder. I just give Luz a look that says see I told you they were a grumpy sick. She just smiles knowingly in response. King rolls his eyes, but I can feel his concern for Raine from a mile away. He walks over quietly before crawling up onto the pillowy part of my nest and laying down in between Raine and I's heads. I smile at his cuteness as I feel his little breaths puff onto my hair. Raine mutters something about him being worse than a bad hairdryer with all his loud breaths, but I can feel their happiness at having him here. Luz tiptoes around the nest and lays next to me, knowing that Raine doesn't like to be boxed in on both sides. Stringbean flies (floats?) back up the stairs from where she told Hooty to bring up the TV. Hooty thunks the TV down and starts to say something; Raine winces and mutters again, but Owlbert pecks Hooty's head to get him to be quiet, so it's a little better. Hooty goes back to the front door and we can hear him telling Lillith to be quiet because Raine's sick and that they don't like noise when they're sick and he wonders why that is because of - Owlbert shuts the window before we can hear any more. He then trots over and settles next to Stringbean who's next to Luz. Luz looks at me for confirmation and she starts the movie, making sure the volume is loud enough to hear, but quiet enough that it doesn't bother Raine. Raine shifts next to me mumbling something about how they don't like the movie, but they don't want to hurt Luz's feelings, etcetera, etcetera. I know they just wanna watch the movie with everyone else. Smiling, I nuzzle my head into their short hair and allow myself to relax and enjoy the movie.

*The Next Morning*"Oh Titan dammit, Raine! Now I'm sick!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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