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This takes place while Luz is finishing human high school. Enjoy!
Ships: slight Raeda.

Luz pov:
I groaned as I walked down the road to my house. I had so much homework! My finals are coming up, and I have to study for all of the tests. It's really important that I do well in school, so I can go study in the Boiling Isles. After school's over, I'm gonna move in with Eda again. My mom can obviously visit as often as she wants and I'm gonna miss her so much, but it's better to live on the Boiling Isles if I'm going to be studying there.

Unfortunately for me, I've got to get through this school first. And I have like six essays due tomorrow! I sighed, lost in thought.

"Uh.. Luz? Are you ok?" Vee asked, pulling me out of my head.

"Huh. Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just have too much hw tonight." I answered.

"Oh, yeah, that sucks. Masha is going to help me study tonight because they already passed the class I'm in rn."

"Ooo~ Masha's helping you." I say grinning. Vee had a huge crush on them, but she wouldn't tell them. Even if it's super obvious that they like her back.

"S-shut up..." She mumbled in response, blushing. We walked the rest of the way home in a comfortable silence, both of us lost in thought.

*timeskip to when their home*

"Ughhhhhh." I groan, I had been doing homework for the last hour!!! I don't get this math. I sigh, knowing that it's due tomorrow and I've put it off long enough.... but visiting Eda can't hurt, right? Grinning now, I jump up, grab my stuff, and run out the door.

"See you later, mom! I'm going to visit Eda!" I call out.

"OK, Mija! Have fun." I hear her call out, and I'm out the door before she can ask if I did my homework. I run to the house down the street where th door is. I've been really busy this week with finals, so I haven't visited much.

I run up to the door of the owl house and slow to a stop. "Luuuuuuuz!!!! You're here!!!!! It's been so long!!!!! We've missed youuuuuu!!!!!" Hooty yells, elongating (?) in order to hug me. I smile, used to his antics by now.

"Hey, Hooty! Where's everyone?" I ask.

"They're inside, but don't you wanna hang out with meeeeeee????" He says.

Before I can respond, Lilith comes up. "Hootsifer, let her say hi to everyone first. It's been a while." She says, giving me a hug. It's actually been like 2 days, but that's 2 days to long for me. 

"Hey,  Aunt Lilith! Missed you both!!" I call back as I run inside. "Eda! King! Raine! You here?"

"Kid!" Eda says, coming downstairs in her harpy form. "How are you? We missed you!" She transforms back to normal as she hugs me.

"Hey, Luz! What do you think of my PILE OF TERROR!!!" King says, hugging my leg.

I smile and pick him up. "I love it! You little cutie pie!!" I say, tickling his belly.

"Ahh-haha- I'm n-not cute!" He says through laughter.

"Yes you are. And you know it." Raine says, walking downstairs.

"Hey Raine!" I grin up at them.

"Hey, Luz. How are you?" They ask.

"I'm good. Finals are going well so far. I think." I respond.

"Did you finish your homework, or are you putting it off again?" They ask, somehow reading my mind.

"Ugh, no." I groan out. "I don't get maaaaatttthhhhh!" I say collapsing on the couch in defeat. They roll their eyes and walk over, pulling my homework out of my backpack and dragging me to the table.

"Here, we'll all help, ok? And then we can hang out." They say.

"But I wanna build my wall!" King frowns.

"And then we'll add to the stuffed animal wall." Raine amends.

"Wall of Terror!!!!" King mutters. "Not Wall of stuffies....."

"Whatever you say, King." I say smiling, and then, turning back to Raine, I say, "Alright, let's do this!" They grin as Eda and King both walk over to help.

"We got this, Kid! We'll be done in know time!!! I'm great at school work. Let me see.... wait, is that math. I'm leaving." Raine just grabs her arm and pulls her into the chair. 

"You will help, Calamity." They say. Eda blushes at the nickname and sighs. 

"Fiiiine I guess it wouldn't hurt....."

A/N: Hey! Sorry I haven't been posting recently. I've been at Camp, it's fun, tho. Anyway, enjoy this really random oneshot!

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