The Plane Ride

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This takes place in the human realm sometime between the flash forward in time in the last episode and the ending of it. They are all around 16 or 17 in this, except the adults, of course. Slight swear warning.


Amity pov:
I'm going on a trip with my friends. We're going through customs right now. I'm kinda nervous because I've never been on a plane before, but I'm sure it'll be fine. After all, I have my awesome girlfriend with me as well as all my friends, plus Camila, Eda, Raine, and King. When Luz said she was going to Paris and asked if we wanted to go, everyone was quick to say yes. I mean, who wouldn't want to go on a group trip with the people we love most? It's a dream come true. Somehow, we all get to sit near each other on the plane. This trip is going to be amazing. We just have to survive the plane.

Luz pov:
I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to be in Paris with Amity and everyone else I love! We're going to get on the plane in about an hour since we just finished going through security. I hate security with a passion, I mean, I get it, but it's still annoying.

Once we get through security and get the waiting place, we put our stuff down and just wait. We board in 15 minutes, so it's not that long of a wait. My friends are getting kinda anxious to be on a plane, some more than others, so I try to comfort them as time goes by.

"Group C, please begin boarding." The lady calls through the announcements.

"That's us!" I say, dragging my suitcase into the line as the others follow me. We get on the plane and get situated. I helped Amity put her suitcase on the rack above the seats. My weak nerd arms are gone! We sit down, and I sit in the window seat with Amity next to me, then Gus, the isle, Willow, and Hunter. The row in front of us is my mom, then Eda, then Raine, the isle, Vee, Masha and lastly King who sits on Eda's lap, but still has a seat next to Hunter. (If you don't understand/like the seating assignment I made, just make one up it doesn't really matter.)

I smiled as the boarding ended and the captian's announcements came on to tell us the safety protocols and other stuff. I've been on a plane a few times to visit people and for vacation, but never an overnight flight, which this one is. Hopefully, I'll be able to sleep well.

The announcements end, and the plane begins to drive down the runway. Amity squeezes my hand as the plane lifts off. Her eyes are squeezed shut, and she looks terrified. The others are similarly scared, but they manage to look out the window and enjoy the view.

"Sweet Potato, open your eyes. We're okay. You've gotta see the view. " She slowly opens one eye and peers out the window before completely forgetting her fear and staring awestruck at the view. 

"Wow.." She breaths out. "I-its- this is -"

"Amazing." I finish for her. She simply nods. After a while, she turns away from the window, and we begin watching a movie while cuddling. I think we'll be ok on the flight.

Eda pov:
Shit shit shit. I'm on a plane. I thought they'd be like a staff, but apparently not. Yes, the view is gorgeous, but I'm terrified. It was a mistake researching planes before we flew. King snuggles up on my lap, and I make sure he's tightly buckled in his baby carrier for the 10000 time. Raine takes my hand.

"Eda, we're gonna be fine." They reassure me.

"But what if -" I'm cut off before my sentence ends when they give me a quick, delicate, and chaste kiss to shut me up.

"We will be okay. I promise."

I take a deep breath in and out, forcing the possibilities of what might happen to King or Luz out of my head. They're right, well be fine.

"Okay. Sorry, I was just worried." I say look them in the eye.

"I know it happens to the best of us." They say jokingly. I laugh. Yeah, we'll be okay. I take another deep breath before giving King, who was looking at me worriedly, and Raine a tight hug each. We'll be okay.

Willow pov:
This is amazing! The plane is amazing. I squeeze Hunter's hand and let out a little laugh as I stare through the window. He's petrified. I look over.

"Hunter, are you okay?"

"Fine, totally fine!" He squeaks out. I have to laugh.

"It's okay. Come on, look out the window." He manages to move his head and look.

"Okay, that's really pretty, but I'm still nervous. What if something happens?" He says after a minute.

"Nothing will go wrong. It'll be fine." I say, giving him a soft smile.

"You sure?" He asks hesitantly.

"Abdolutely." I say firmly.

He breathes in and out. "Okay. I trust you."

Vee pov:
I smile nervously. I've been on a plane once before, so I'm not nervous about that, but I'm sitting next to Masha, my crush, and BFF. Shoot. They turn on Wednesday 5 minutes into the flight.

"Wanna watch with me?" They ask, turning to look at me.

I squeak and then blush. "Oh- uh.. sure? I'm kinda scared of horror, though."

"That's ok. I'll hold your hand when it gets scary." They say, ignoring my blush, stutter, and weirdness.

"O-okay." I say, my heart warming up along with my cheeks as I sit next to my crush, on the way to Paris, sharing headphones, and watch a horror show.

Camila pov:
I smile as I watch my baby girl, her girlfriend, her friends, and her adoptive family laugh and chat with each other. I really do wonder how we ever got along without each other before. This family may be weird, but it's mine, and I'm never letting them go. ❤️

Ahh!! This is so cute. I might do a part 2. Should I? Let me know what you think. I was on a plane recently, so I just felt like writing this.  😊 

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