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This takes place directly after the battle, but the collector doesn't leave right away and stays the night instead. Thanks to @Angie_AshF3rn on AO3 for the request! I hope I did your idea justice. 


Luz's POV:

I sigh as I finally walk into my room. I'm finally home . And this time I'm not going to be separated from the people I love again. I grin and collapse onto my bed. I'm still at the Owl House; Eda, King, and everyone else are all getting ready for bed. Amity, Willow, and Gus all went to their homes to chill with their families. I'm so glad we managed to get back. Mom is going to be sleeping in my room, but she's downstairs with Eda and Raine right now, just talking and getting to know one another. They get along pretty well and I'm really glad because I don't want to have to pick someone. Hunter is staying the night a Darius' house and I smile at the thought of him having another good parental figure in his life. I force myself up after a minute and walk to change clothes and brush my teeth. My dentist is gonna hate me when I get back if I didn't. I finish changing and walk back into my room, yawning as I go. I tense up quickly as I feel something on my leg. I jerk my head to my leg and brace myself. I instantly relax as I see King hugging my leg. 

"Hey Luz... I-I missed you." He says quietly and sleepily. I nearly cry as he looks up at me. There are tears pricking at the corners of his eyes and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. My eyes start to water and I scoop him up into my arms. I squeeze him tightly and breath in his familiar scent. His tears fall on my shoulder and his breathing is shaky. We stay like that for a while. Me holding him and breathing in the familiar scent of my brother and him crying onto my shoulder. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was crying a bit. Eventually, I feel his body relax and his breathing evens out into that of a sleeping baby. I smile to myself and gently walk over to the bed, trying not to wake him up. I lower myself into a sitting position on the bed and maneuver King onto my lap. He curls up instantly and I smile as he scrambles to have a grip on my shirt. His claws grip onto me and his fuzzy little body instantly quiets. I yawn again, ready for sleep. Just then there's a knock on my door.  I frown, curious. 

"Come in?" I say quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone who may've gone to bed. The door creaks open to reveal the Collector on the other side. He's holding Francois in his hand and their face is streaked with tears. My frown deepens as I take in his ripped clothes and dusty face. 

"C-can I sleep in here?" They ask quietly, voice barely above a whisper. I all but melt at that. He sounds so vulnerable and sad. I just pat the spot beside me, unable to speak for fear of beginning to cry again. He walks over and plops down in the spot next to me. 

"I'm sorry." I hear his little voice say beside me. 

"For what?"

"For- for hurting you an- and not helping and for separating you in the first place and for Belos and for... for hurting King..." He starts to cry here. "I-I just wanted a friend" He manages between sobs. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't worry about it. It's okay, you're okay." I say as I pull his shaking body into my arms. "It'll be okay." He cries into my chest and I can feel the sobs wracking his fragile body. I rub his back and do my best to comfort him by whispering sweet nothings into his ear. He looks up at me after a minute, sobs subsiding.  

"I didn't mean for this to happen! I promise!" He says, getting louder and more anxious as he speaks. "I-I just wanted to- I didn't mean to- I couldn't- I'm sorry."

"Hey! Look at me." He does. "It's okay. You didn't know. You didn't know that people could be killed and not just be fixed. You didn't know that what you were doing was hurting King. You didn't mean it. And when you found out. You tried to fix it. You tried to help and you did! You helped us so much. Thank you for that." 

His eyes welled up again. "B-but I still hurt you! And no one else hurt anyone! I'm- I'm just as bad as Belos!!!" They started shaking again, sobbing openly. 

"No you are not!" I almost yell, heart aching for this poor, traumatized kid. Because that's what he is. A kid. Sure a kid with powers beyond my own belief, but still a kid. " You are not as bad as Belos. Alright? We all make mistakes and we all hurt people sometimes. What matters is that you tried to fix it. To be a better person. That's what matters." 

"But you've never made a mistake! You've- you've never hurt anyone!" Their voice is rising now, still crying and shaky, but rising. I'm about to say something back, but I remember King asleep on my lap. I take a deep breath. I can't yell, that'll only make it worse. I hate that he feels that way. That he thinks he's the only person who's ever screwed up.

"Yes I have." I say. "I've made mistakes and plenty of them. I- I helped Belos find you in the first place." He stares at me, confused. I sigh and begin to explain. "Long story short, I found a way to time travel through time pools and I went into the past. I wanted to find Phillip and ask him about his diary. Ask him how he got here and how he got back! But instead I ended up helping him find you. He was searching for you, trying to find a way to harness your power. I- I showed him a glyph and that completed it. He found you. And I helped him. I helped him become that thing." I turn to look at them. "I'm sorry." 

"But you didn't mean it. You didn't know." He says, head tilting in confusion. 

"Exactly. My friends helped me realize that I couldn't have done anything to stop Phillip because I didn't know. I didn't know and I didn't mean to hurt anyone. Just like you didn't mean to do anything wrong. You just wanted a friend to play with, I just wanted answers. Yeah, we hurt people, but it was accidental. And we made up for it. I helped rid the Isles of Belos and so did you. You apologized to the people they hurt and they forgave you."

"You didn't say you forgave me though..."

"Well I do! I, Luz Noceda, proudly forgive the Collector for any misdeeds they've done in the past!" I say in a grand voice, booping him on the nose as I proclaim it. He giggles at this, the tears finally slowing. 

"Th- thank you. I love you." He says, curling up into my side with a yawn. I can't help the huge grin that breaks out on my face at that. They're a kid and I know most kids say 'I love you' to everyone, but still! He yawns again and this time I wrap my arm around his side, pulling him in closer. 

"I love you too, Collector." They give me a sleepy smile and close their eyes. I grin and lay down, pulling them down next to me. King is asleep on my lap and I can feel the Collector's breathing begin to even out from his place on my shoulder. I smile again, breathing a sigh of happiness. 

"Luz?" I hear a small voice from the sleepy head on my shoulder. 

"Mhm?" I hum, too tired to respond verbally. 

"Thank you for forgiving me. You're a great comforter by the way. And, you don't need me to, but I forgive you too." The voice says before it yawns again and falls asleep on me. For some reason, at that simple sentence my eyes well up and a smile forces it's way onto my face. I yawn and lean over to peck the Collector on the forehead, he's earned it. 

"Thank you." I whisper up into the darkness before allowing sleep to overtake me. 


Jeez, I honestly had no idea where I was going with this, but I kinda just went with it. Anyways, I hope you liked this one! (I can't be bothered to go back over it rn, so I'm not going to lol.) And thank you soooo much for 4K reads!! What the heck? I don't know why y'all are reading my random oneshots, but thank you! Y'all are seriously the best. Love you <3

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