Scones and a Horrible Lady

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This takes place in the human realm after belos is defeated. TW: Homophobia, transphobia, cursing.

King's pov:
Eda decided to take me, Lillith, Darius, Alador, and Raine on a tour of the human realm because none of us had ever been to it before, except for when we went to Luz's house. We were walking downtown, and Eda was in front with Raine. She was bringing us to a cafe because raine was hungry. Unfortunately, for the rest of us, they were being all lovey-dovey. Yuch.

Lillith was carrying me as we walked into the store. We found a table, and Darius went up to the front to order for us. We sat down, and I noticed the lady next to us glaring at Eda and Raine. What's her problem? Whatever. Darius came back, and I smiled, jumping onto the table to grab my food.

"King, get down! No one wants your dirty paws on the table." Eda said to me. While I argued with her about my getting on the table privileges, the person at the table next to us finally stopped staring and walked over.

"Excuse me, but are you two together?" She asked, pointing at Raine and Eda.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't notice you there. Yes, we are." Eda responded, looking up from our fight.

The lady looked shocked. "Well, it's wrong for two women to date. That's what men are there for." She said. Eda simply laughed, but I could tell she was mad.

"Well, my partners, not a girl." She said. Her tone was challenging, but the lady obviously didn't notice.

"He's a man?" The lady asked, skeptically.

"Nope! They're non-binary. They go by them/them pronouns." Eda said, not hiding her annoyance anymore.

"That's perposterous!!!! There are only two genders!!!!!!" The lady practically screamed at Eda. By now, we had gathered a crowd of onlookers, watching from their own tables.

"Actually, there's a lot more than two. There's millions at this point." Eda said through clenched teeth.

Darius stepped in. "Yeah, there are quite a lot of genders. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't pick on my friends." He said. He also looked like he was holding back from punching this lady in the face.

She spun around to face him and, ignoring his statement, asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?" She looked super angry.

"No, he has a boyfriend." Alador said, coming up from beside Darius.

The lady had gone red in the face and looked like she was about to pass out or throw a tantrum, I couldn't decide.

"I'm aroace!" Lillith said, directing the woman's anger away from the others. "It means I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction to anyone." She explained.

"Ugh! I can't believe all the new stuff people are making up! It's nonsense!!!!!!"

"Can I kill her?" I asked calmly, turning to Eda.

"No, King. I don't want you to get arrested." She said with a slight eye roll. "But, I'm getting sick of this."

With that, she turned to Raine and kissed them. Darius caught on and smiled, turning to Alador and tugging him into a kiss by his shirt collar. Lillith grinned and started clapping. I joined in the clapping even though the affection was gross.

Both couples broke apart and smiled at each other. Then, someone else started clapping, too. I looked around, a bit confused. Lots of other people started to join in on the clapping. One by one, they stood up and gave us a standing ovation. I smiled. The lady who had been picking on us walked away to complain to the owners of the cafe, but the staff showed her to the door before she could get close.

The clapping died down after a minute, and while some people were a bit confused or disgusted, no one said anything to us after that. I sat down again, and luckily, Eda had forgotten to get me off the table, so I happily ate my scone on the table, hoping Eda wouldn't notice. I also stole a bit of Raine's croissant when they weren't looking.

Hi. Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've been really busy. I'm on vacation rn and there are a LOT of all-day activities with my family. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!!!

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