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Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I got writers block and I've been really busy with school work. I'll try and post more often, but I might not be able to. Also let me know what you want me to write bc I am running out of ideas!

Ships: Young Raeda 

Warnings: None! 


Eda's POV

My feet pounded against the court as I ran towards the goal. The other players summoned vines to stop me, but I lit them on fire shooting the ball and making it in as the whistle sounded to mark the end of the game. My teammates cheered as the winner, our team, was announce. 

"HA, in your face suckers!" I yelled at the team from the other school. Lily game me a disapproving look, but I had just won us the game, so she couldn't do anything. Grinning we lined up and shook hands with the other team as they went past. I loved the feeling of wining a game, it was exhilarating and the air was electric after a good match. 

As we walked off the field to change, Raine came running up with Darius and Alador behind them. "Eda! You were amazing!!" Raine yelled tackling me in a hug. I grinned, blushing. Raine always did that to me. They made me blush with their compliments and whenever I was around them I never wanted to leave. 

"Thanks Rainestorm!" I responded, laughing as we stopped hugging. 

"Nice job guys. You were awesome." Darius said calmly with Alador grinning at us and nodding along. I smiled. 

"Thanks! But some of us need to work on our sportsmanship after a game." Lily said giving me the stink eye. I just groaned and rolled my eyes which made Raine giggle. "Anyway, we should get to class it starts soon." Lily said as she ran off to go change. 

"Ugh, fine." I turned to Raine. "Wanna hang out after school? we can do our homework on our hill."

"Of course! Although you have to promise to actually work this time." They grinned. I nodded and ran off after Lily to get changed. 

* Time Skip to after school*

"Hey Lils!" I said running up to her as she exited the building. 

"Hey Eda. Ready to go?" 

"Naw, me and Raine are gonna go over to our spot and do some homework." I responded. 

"It's Raine and I, and didn't you do that yesterday?" She said quickly correcting me.  

"Well yeah, but I we're doing it again." I said grinning at her. She just rolled her eyes. 

"You have such a crush on them." She mumbled. Wait WHAT. I do not have a crush on Raine Whispers. No matter how cute they are or how funny or how smart or interesting or - wait do I? What am I thinking of course I don't they're just my best friend. I was just about to tell that to Lily when Raine walked out. I smiled and ran up. 

"Rainestorm! You ready to go?" They grinned right back. 

"Yup!" They stated as we walked over to our hill talking about random stuff that happened that day. 


Once we got to our spot I plopped down on the grass and pulled Raine down beside me. They pulled their homework out of their bag and I groaned. 

"Noooo, I don't wanna do homeworkkk. It's boring." I pouted. They laughed at my protest. 

"We have to Eda." I groaned again and rolled over to look at the sky. I heard the sound of paper rustling and knew they had started working already. I turned back to look at them. No matter what Lily says I don't have a crush. I just think they're fun. I thought to myself as I studied their face. I loved the way their mouth dimpled when they smiled and the way the sun shone on their hair making it look like blue cotton-candy. I just loved everything about them. Wait does that mean I have a crush?! Crap, I cannot have a crush on my best friend! That will not end well. I sighed and Raine looked at me. 

"You okay?" They asked, concerned. I blushed. 

"O-oh-uh yeah I'm fine!" I stuttered out cursing them fro their cuteness. They just shrugged and turned back to their assignment. We lay on the hill like that for a while. Me facing up looking at the clouds and them working. I just liked having them here. They were easy to be around and always made me feel good. Ugh, I guess I need to tell Lily she was right. I do have a crush. 


"Bye Rainestorm! See you tomorrow!" 

"Bye Calamity!" I blushed at the new nickname. 

"Wait, wait, wait. Calamity?" I questioned. 

"O-oh um yeah? I just figured because you always call me Rainestorm and I thought why not give you a nickname, but if you don't like it I don't have to call you it I just wanted something to call you and-"  They looked so cute mumbling at they were blushing and before I knew what I was doing I leaned over and kissed them on the cheek. They looked up at me in shock. Crap, crap, crap! I blushed even darker. 

"Uh- bye Raine! S-see you at school tomorrow! I like the nickname." I gushed out quickly and ran inside, still blushing. 

I ran up to my room and buried my face in the pillow. I kissed them. I kissed them. I kissed them. I felt giddy and I was sure my face was burning. Just then my scroll beeped. I grabbed it looking for a distraction from my embarrassment.  I had a new message from Raine

Rainestorm: See you tomorrow, Calamity! <3 

I blushed. They sent a heart. I grinned, giddy and replied with another heart before I could lose my nerve. Calamity, huh? I love it. 


Hey! Sorry it's so short, but I hope you liked it! I'll try and make the next one longer. :)

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