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This is if the Collector never left and instead moved in with at the owl house. Luz is about 16 in this. 


Luz pov:

"Byeeee Eda! Byeeee Raine! Have fun!" I yell after Eda as she and Raine fly off in the direction of Bonesborough. I'm babysitting for King and the Collector (and also technically Hooty) tonight because Eda said that 'they cant control themselves when we ARE around, much less when we're not around'. I turn around and walk back in the house. "They've left guys! It's just us now." I call out to my temporary wards. 

"Yaaaayyyy!!! Now we can play allll night!!!" The Collector says, air-cartwheeling into the room. King follows close behind trying to catch them. "We can't play all night, buuuttt I may be able to let you stay up a little late." I respond, I don't want to get his hopes down, but Eda said to have them both in bed by 8. An extra half-hour won't hurt, right? He grins at me. "OK!" 

"Alright, what do you wanna do first?" I ask. "We can watch a movie or play a game or make cookies or-" I'm cut off halfway through my sentence by the Collector. "I want cookies!!!!" They yell, still floating upside down in the air. "Me too! Can they be chocolate chip? Like the ones we made in your realm?" King asks. "Sure! Do you want to help make them?" 

"Yeah! Can I lick the spoon?" 

"King, we've talked about this you'll get sick."

"But I wanna lick the spoon!"

"King, no." 

"How do you make cookies?" The Collector asks, cutting us off. 

"You've never made cookies!? We're fixing that right now. It's so much fun and Luz makes the best cookies! We get to lick the spoon even though she says no at first she always gives in ad lets me. Also if you eat chocolate chips out of the bag..." He starts rambling ad he drags the Collector into the kitchen by the arm. I smile as I get up to follow them. They are not licking the spoon this time, last time I didn't get any so now I try not to let King lick it. 

*(Time skip to when the cookies are half-way made)*

This is a disaster. A fun disaster, but still. We're currently mixing the chocolate chips in and King wants to lick the spoon. "Come ooonnnn, Luz. Pleasssssseeeee?" He asks for the tenth time. I'm about to refuse again, but he does puppy eyes and the Collector joins in. "Pleassseee Luz?" They ask in unison. "Ugh, fine." I relent handing over the spoon. "Just share." I won't be getting any cookie dough now. They grin and run off into the living room to eat the cookie dough. I sigh and then finish making the cookies, mixing more chocolate in and putting them onto baking sheets to go in the oven. Magic ovens are much faster then normal ovens so they'll be done in about five minutes. I look around. Somehow we've managed to get cookie dough on the celing. I bet that was the Collector or Hooty, who left five minutes into the process because he got bored and hungry. All the baking supplies are lying out on the counter, but I'm too lazy too clean it up. It's about 7 by now, so I quickly make mac-and-cheese for dinner. By the time I'm done the cookies are ready. "Dinnertime!!" I yell and they come running back. We finish eating and then we decide to watch a movie. I put the cookies onto a platter and bring it out into the living room, where I have rigged a projector system, to play movies. I would have just got a TV, but the internet is really bad out here and I don't want to but a bigger one, so this works fine. 

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask as I come out into the room, setting the cookie tray down. "How To Train Your Dragon!" King shouts. 

"I wanna watch Monster Inc." The Collector pouts in response. 

"What about Zootopia?! We HAVE to watch it!!!" Hooty says, while freaking out. 

"Alright, alright! Calm down!" I say, stopping their argument. "We can watch all of them." I say after thinking for a minute. They all seem content with this, and I know they'll probably fall asleep halfway through the second movie, so they'll get to bed on time-ish. I ut the first movie in and wait for it to play. I sit down on the couch next to King, who's curled up in the Collector's lap and Hooty, who's in his portable house so he can sit/lie(?) down. 

*(Time skip to when Raine and Eda get back)*

Eda pov:

We walk into the house to find the light still on and the kids all lying on the couch fast asleep. Luz is leaning against the arm of the couch with the Collector's head in her lap. King is curled up on top of the Collector and Hooty is snoring peacefully in his house. Owlbert instantly hops over to them, sits on Luz's head, and falls asleep. I can't help, but smile at them. Raine takes a photo on their scroll and motions me into the kitchen, so we can talk quietly.

"They're so cute!" Raine whispers to me, grinning. I laugh softly in response. "Almost as cute as you, Rainestorm." I say, smiling at their blush. Then I look briefly at the kitchen. "What in the name of King's Dad happened in here?!" Raine follows my gaze nd laughs at the mess on the celing, floor, counter, and walls. I frown. "I'm making Luz clean this up tomorrow."

"Come on, let's go to bed. We'll deal with this in the morning." They say. 

I sigh. "Fine. I'll carry Luz."

"I got King." We pick the kids up and bring them into my bed/nest. Then we got down and get Owlbert, Hooty, and the Collector. The kids cuddle up to each other in their sleep and I lay down next to them, putting an arm over them. I smile as I fall asleep, just enjoying cuddling my kids and partner. 


Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I got a little bit of writers block. Also I'm going into school soon, so updates might not be very consistent (not that they have been in the first place, but still). Anyway, have a nice night/day! Love you all! 

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