A Normal Evening

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This takes place after Luz's King-cenera in the demon realm. 

Luz pov: 

"Hiiiiiiii!" I call out as I walk in the door, patting Hooty on the head. "I'm home."

"Hey kid, how was school?" Eda asked, walking up to me. I had just started magic school this week, and so far, it was awesome! King's new glyphs were still coming in, so the glyph class was trying to find them all. The professor knew who I was, so I got to help with leading the class a lot! All the other classes were awesome, too. I was learning so much about everything!

"It's good! We just reviewed glyph history, so I got to talk for a while." I said. "How about you?"

"Ehh.. fine. Just normal boring principal buisness." She said, shrugging. As much as Eda pretends to hate work, she actually loves her job, and she's really good at it, too.

 "Look out..." She sighs as she looks behind me at the collector running into the room. He shrieks as King catches him and laughs. 

"Dang it! You win again."  They say, pouting. 

"What are you playing?"  I ask.

"Tag! It's sooooooo much fun! I wish I could use magic, though... King won't let me." 

"We're playing the proper way. No magic, it's cheating."

"But you have magic! You could use it too!"

"No! Your magic is stronger." They continue the argument on their way out of the room after stealing my snacks. I laugh at them. Normally, the Collector isn't here, but he comes over for a playdate every so often. I turn back to Eda to see that Raine has walked in. 

"Hey Raine!" I say to them, as I go to get another snack for myself this time. 

"Hey! How was hanging out with your friends?" 

"It was fun! We went to the park and hung out. Gus went to hang out with Matty, Willow is with Hunter, and Amity is with Ed and Em!"

"Cool! Have Gus and amett got together yet?" I groan in response.

"Nope... They're still as oblivious as ever." Raine laughs.

"You know who they remind me of? Darius and Alador."

"Oh my titan! They're so similar!" Eda blurts out, nearly choking on her ice cream.

"Wait, they liked each other?!" I ask.

"Yeah, they still do. You didn't know that?" Raine says while trying to stop Eda from choking.

"No!!!!! I've got to tell Amity!" I yell.

"You're not gonna stay to watch our show?" Eda asks. We've gotten into a routine of watching cartoons every afternoon for an hour. Just me, Eda, King, and sometimes Raine or a few of our friends.

"Oh! I didn't realize that came on soon. Yeah, I'll stay!" I say, running into the living room to put it on. Right now, we're in the middle of Hilda right now. Twig's my favorite character because he's just so cute!

I hear Eda call for King and The Collector to come watch. They come over. The collector lies on the floor in front of the couch, and King curls up in my lap. Eda sits down next to me, and Raine put their arm around her. Hooty comes around the backside of the couch, resting his head on the armrest. I hit play, and the calming sounds of the theme song come on. Sighing contentedly, I direct my eyes to the TV and watch the show.

A/N: Hiii! Sorry this is so short. I'm going on a trip for a few days and I won't have my phone, so I just wanted to write something before I leave. Love y'all!

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