The Graveyard and Confessions

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This takes place when they're about 16, so around a year after they save the Boiling Isles. Enjoy!


Gus pov: 

I'm waiting in my room for Matty to come over today. I am trying to pick out an outfit, but I'm having trouble. I usually don't care that much, but recently, I've developed a little bit of a crush on Matty... I'm sure it'll pass soon, tho. I mean, it has to, I can not have a crush of my best friend, especially since there is no way he feels the same.

An hour later, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it! It's probably Matty!" I yell out to my dad. I run over to the door and quickly open it. "Hi Matty!" I say cheerfully. "How are you?" I ask, stepping back to let him in the house.

"Hey, Gus. I'm good, what about you?" He responds.

"I'm great! Hold on, I'm almost ready to go. I just need to grab my bag." We're going to the Illusionists Graveyard. After we tricked Bria, we made it a habit to go to the graveyard at least once every week. The Keeper (AN: what the heck is his name?! I can't find it) has been really thankful that we're helping preserve and protect the graveyard.

Matt nods in response, and I run to the kitchen to grab my bag. I'm literally gone for 2 seconds, and my dad is already talking to Matt when I get back. Why does he do this? I swear if he says anything embarrassing, I'll kill him.

"Alright, I'm ready." I say, walking up to them. "Bye Dad, see you later."

"Bye! Love you. Be safe." He says all of these in a row, not letting me get a word in.

"OK! Bye. Love you too." I say, practically dragging Matt out the door. "So, what's up with you? Is there anything new going on?" I ask, just to get a conversation going.

"Not really. What about you?"

"Same." We lapse into silence for a second before Matty brings up something random, and we both start talking, falling back into our usual rhythm.

(At the graveyard)

Matt's pov:
"Hey! Keeper, are you here?" I yell as we arrive. He's normally here, but sometimes he doesn't show up, so we always ask.

"It's just us!" Gus yells, so he won't use any traps or illusions on us.

"Coming, coming!" He hollers back from who knows where. "Hello boys, how are you this fine day?"

"We're good! What about you?" Gus answers for the both of us.

"I'm just dandy. Now let's get to work, shall we?" He says. We nod and do as he says. While Gus is helping the Keeper with the defenses for the graveyard, I am free to become lost in my own thoughts. Specifically, my thoughts about Gus. I have had the biggest crush on him for the longest time, probably since I met him. He's pretty oblivious to it, luckily or maybe unluckily? It also probably didn't help that I was mean to him when I first met him. I couldn't help it! I didn't know what I was feeling or why! I wanna tell Gus how I feel, but im afraid it might mess up our friendship. Besides, my dad isn't the most supportive of the lgbtqia+ community, so I'm not sure how he'll react. I sigh as I think this over.

"You okay, Matty?" Gus asks from behind me. I jump a little.

"Jeez, Gus, you scared me. Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I respond.

He giggles at my fright, and honestly, it's the cutest laugh I have ever heard in my life. I can feel the color rising to my cheeks. I hope Gus doesn't see.

"Oh no, reason, just checking. You just seemed a bit off." He shrugs.

I push down my blush. "O-oh yeah, I was just thinking." I manage to get out, cursing myself internally for my stutter.

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