For Flapjack

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Hi! This takes place after Belos is defeated. He left lasting impact on Hunter and this is one of the many ways he did. 

Ships: Huntlow

Warnings: Angst, fluff, trauma, prepare tissues. 


Hunter's pov:

I open my eyes. I'm in the castle. In front of Belos. He's ranting. Yelling. He hits me. It hurts. 

"WHY COULDN'T YOU BE BETTER?????!!!!!!" He yells. He has Flapjack. He breaks him. Right in front of me. 

"This is what happens when you misbehave Nephew.  You don't get to have friends. And you DON'T get this... THING! " I fall. Your fault. It's your fault. He would be fine if you weren't so awful. Your fault! You should just GIVE UP! Die. No one will miss you. He's gone. IT'S YOUR FAULT! Give up. 

"AH!" I wake up in a cold sweat. I'm at Willow's house. Then I remember. We were having a sleepover. I breathe out. It still hurts. I'm shaking. I look down at my hands. The dream comes back, just a quick flash, but it's enough to make me gasp. I squeeze my eyes shut. Maybe He was right. I am useless. I couldn't even save my best friend. I feel tears leak out of my eyes. Useless

"Hunter?" Willow's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She says in a rush, getting up from bed to come over to me. I squeeze my eyes shut again. More tears leak out. It hurts. 

"Hey Hunter. It's okay, look at me. I'm here." She says in a soothing voice. I look up. She looks worried. 

"Do you want a hug?" She asks, not wanting to make me even more uncomfortable. I nod, falling into her arms. It still hurts. She makes it better. She wraps me up in her arms, comforting me and stroking my hair. I calm down slowly. My breathing gets less intense. 

"Are you okay?" She asks again. I breath out slowly. 

"I-I'm ok." I manage to say shakily. 

"What happened?" She asks, still holding me. 

"N-nightmare. Un- Belos hurt Flap. He hit m, I- wha-" I say, my breathing going shaking again at the end. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe." We stay like that for a while. 

"W- willow?"


"What if Belos was right? What if I am useless? It was my fault Flap... you know." I say. I can't bring myself to finish. Maybe I should just give up. 

"Hunter." She moves so she can look me directly ing the eyes. "You're not useless. You're amazing. And it's not your fault. If it's anyone's fault it's Belos. I promise. You're perfect." She says smiling at me. I start to tear up again, but it's good this time. 

"I love you." I say, hugging her. 

"I love you too, Hunter. " She says, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I love you too."

It still hurts. Belos is still hurting me from beyond the grave. Sometimes it hurts more than others. But Willow and my other friends are always here for me. Flapjack gave his life for me. And I intend to make the most of that. I love him. So much. And I'll always miss him, but I know he's there for me and I know he loves me. So I'll keep going. For Flapjack. 


RIP Flap. <3

Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting, I had writers block.I'll write something longer soon, but have this for now. If anyone wants me to do a story please comment a request. (Please do, I need ideas.) 

For anyone struggling like Hunter is just know there are people out there who love you and I hope it gets better soon. Keep going. Don't give up. You're worth it and you're amazing. 


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