Good news

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Author's POV

The scent of coffee drew her away from her reverie. She glanced up and noticed him holding two cups of coffee. With a faint smile, she accepted the cup from his hands.

He sat next to her on the floor, leaning against the wall. Complete silence enveloped them, neither spoke. Each was lost in their own oscillating thoughts.

she let out a long breath without looking at him she asked

"Do you think your family members would accept this ?"

"Are you asking about our love, or about making you stay in my grandmother's house and I am already sharing the same room with you?"

he questioned her back she signed and said sipping the coffee


He nodded his head in understanding.

"Regarding our love, they have to understand. As for the latter, I have both my Appa's and Thatha's support since they were in a live-in relationship before marriage. My Thatha is much better, he married after having his first child, so there's nothing to worry about."

his answer made her chuckle...she took a deep breath and completely turned towards his side...he did the same...

"I am serious, Aadhi," she stated firmly.

"So am I, Diya," he retorted with equal conviction.

"Aadhi, you're not understanding me. I'm not an ordinary girl... I'm a widow. My own family sees me as a burden, and my in-laws want nothing to do with me. They believe I'm a bad omen and blame me for their son's death." Cynthiya tried to explain to him

"My family is not like those inhuman people you mentioned Diya, Don't dare to compare them"

he said gritting his teeth surely not happy about her bringing those people who failed to value her...he just hated them with all his guts.

she held his hand in his and made him look at her.

Aadhi, I am not comparing them, they are quite normal individuals who adhere perfectly to societal norms they valued me and loved me until I lost my husband...."

she said which irritated him more.

"They didn't value you instead they loved and valued that man who is no more...he left the world and they left you too simple "

he scoffed, Cynthiya signed.

"Okay, you are right...Happy now "

She shook her head in disbelief before returning to her original position, leaning against the wall saying

"I am trying to have a normal conversation and I don't have any clue why you are getting angry for nothing" she mumbled.

He took a deep breath. He couldn't help it, whenever she spoke about her parents, in-laws, or especially her late husband, he would automatically become angry and upset her.

"Diya sorry dii.... You know right I don't like you talking about them in our conversation...then why do you bring them up... talk about us our future our present, not the past why don't you understand that simple thing "

she shook her head stood up with the cup and looked at him

"See Aadhi they aren't any demons nor have they physically abused me ....yes I went through mental trauma and went into depression and I don't want to blame them at all. I would never do that too...because I don't want to fall into that pit hole again which is too dark and just come out of that and try to have a normal peaceful life ....Please understand that they are my family, and I cannot simply erase them from my life because you disapprove of them. Regarding my past, it was not terrible but filled with beautiful days. Hari loved, respected, and cherished me. It was not how my parents and his treated me after his loss that affected me the most, but rather his absence. Indeed, I did not love him initially, but I gradually began to fall for him. Just as we were about to start our life together, everything fell apart. and It was you who was making everything a big deal and this temper of yours surely not going to help us"

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