Habitual -2

520 51 27

Author's POV...

She came to the cafe half an hour before time and was waiting for that person to arrive...

Instead of that person someone else came out of nowhere... Amudhini rolled her eyes seeing that person took seat in front of her without even caring about asking her permission...

Amudhini: what are you doing here...

That person didn't mind her words instead ordered one cold coffee for herself alone not for Amudhini.....when the waiter left... She leaned back on the chair comfortably...

Elakiya: Just thought of helping my bestie..... Finally she agreed to meet a man after years.... Surely being the best friend ever I can't allow some business deal spoil her date today... So I will attend that meeting you don't worry and enjoy your date babygirl...

She said in a signing tone and bit more softer dramatic way....that made Amudhini giggle....

Amudhini: Stop being dramatic... And if you already decided to take care of that meeting why the hell you woke me up idiot...

Elakiya: Yeah I have no other work to do you know... My first foremost work is to wake you up everyday and remind you that your body need food to function without fuss...

And I suppose to be with my fiance now but see what I am doing with you..

Amudhini : Then go there who asked you to come..

Elakiya: That's my responsibility baby....your dear brother called me and said you finally agreed to meet a guy and asked me to cancel the meeting or shift it tomorrow..... Which I can't do by that time he informed and I can't spoil your date either so I came here ditching my fiance...

Amudhini: I am seriously feeling bad for that guy... How he agreed to marry you...

Elakiya: Exactly my doubt too...... It was still mysterious for me and we are getting married in three months..... Just arrange marriage things you know

Amudhini: He is good guy...

Elakiya: He is..

She smiled with slight blush....

Elakiya: okay don't divert the topic... Care to show that guy you suppose to see today...

Amudhini shook her head and passed her phone...

Elakiya: He is handsome... What he does for survival...

Amudhini: Neurosurgeon...

Elakiya: ohhh..... Doctor and Interior designer.... Nice pair...

Amudhini: I am just meeting him...

Elakiya: You don't know how it will end girl....

Amudhini: I don't care about that much....

Elakiya: Ammu...just because that idiot used you and ruined you doesn't mean you won't should not give yourself another chance....

Amudhini: Ruined me... Really.. I don't think so.. And I am not mourning over him who doesn't deserve my love and attention.....

Elakiya: Oh really then what you became now... You wasn't like this before him....I know you from school days the hyper active girl and always have something to do... But see now you adapted to the lifestyle he wanted....

Amudhini: Yeah I did adapted to this lifetime because of him... Because I just like it... That ends there and he is my past I am not going back to him again....

Elakiya: That's good to know by the way..... How your brother know this doctor guy...

Amudhini: its obvious...He is Cardiologist...

Elakiya:Exactly how heart suggest you to go for Brain.......

Amudhini: impulse... My anni

Elakiya: woah... She do love you alot ....contradict to the sister in laws features you know......

Amudhini: I don't know but we did have that bond and I do feel more comfortable with her... She understands me well in fact she was the only person apart from you who knows about him.... She did her level best to cheer up me during that post breakup phase... She is second mother to me...

Elakiya: I do like her leaving that Jealousy part that she took you brother before me.....

Amudhini: Oh please... He is 12 years elder to you...

Elakiya: So what he is good man and Love doesn't see the age..... in love with your Best friend's brother is a hit  gener you know...... We would have made a best couple...

Amudhini: Stop fantasizing my brother  at least now girl you are taken now...

Elakiya: I can only fantasize him after all he is  Daddy now.....

Amudhini spilled the water she just drank and coughed heavily hearing that making Elakiya laugh out...

Amudhini: what the...... Shut up....Kaaji girl you are....

Elakiya: I am speaking up openly... You doesn't that's the difference...

Amudhini: Chii.. Girl I am not into insist...

Elakiya: whatt..... Oyee... I said you Fantasize other men not your brother.... See I am right you have dirty mind than me....

Amudhini: If you don't stop here I would surely going to throw this coffee on your face making my long term dream come true...

Elakiya: what dream splashing coffee on someone's face...

Amudhini: of course.... I read and seen in cinema but never happened in reality... I just want to do that once....

Both looked at each other a second before laughing out loud getting attention from the people

Soon Elakiya's laugh turned into shock seeing the person at entrance.... As Amudhini couldn't see the entrance due to her seat back facing the door....

Amudhini noticed that change ...

Amudhini: what happened girl...

Elakiya: Nothing happened to me but some serious shit is going to happen in your life....

Amudhini: Whatt???

Elakiya: You look yourself... Turn around...

Amudhini was confused with furrowed eyes she turned towards the door only to be shocked....

Elakiya: Your past and Future coming together...............

Author's note..

Hello people...

How was the chapter...

And yes this one ends here when this plot upgrade to book you will know further story and backstory too...

I am not a big fan of getting back to the same guy who gave you trauma just because he is your first love......

Happy Reading📖📖📖📖

Thank you❤❤❤❤

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