May be........

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Author's POV...

She again and again looked at the mail.... She was in dilemma.. She wants to go also not...... She can't describe the feeling of it... It's been 8 years why she couldn't let of that thought... Why it's again coming back to her and affecting her even after this long time.....

Her mind was replaying all those memories she wanted to forget... Infact she believed she forgot them till today... When she opened the mail and read it everything again rushed back ......

She was skeptical... Its was a reunion invitation... It's not even her department or college reunion it's just an organization she was in which kept her occupied through out her college days.....

She was too much involved in that those days.... We can say even more than her academics she prioritized the organization works....

She wanted to go because that club that organization gave most beautiful memories in her college life... When her department and class mates didn't gave her that comfort this organization gave it to her.... It always holds the special place in her heart......


She didn't want to go because the final year didn't gave any kind of good memories in fact it messed up her mental health... It took her long time to recover from it.... She was afraid to go back and relive the moment will opened the old wounds which she thinks healed without leaving a scar.... But she now nows it was may be healed but the scar was too deep to forget.....

She don't want to face him again.... But deep down she want to see him... And show him that how successful she was in her career and that incident have no effect on her...

May be its a ego clash... Somewhere she wanted to see him regretting his decision... She wanted to see his face fell and his eyes widened when he hears  her success story.... Its not that she wants him to be unsuccessful but may be less successful than her..... Atleast that will give her some peace....

She took a deep breath and finally entered the Auditorium where the event is arranged.....

Yes she was already here at the event she was doubting her decision standing at the entrance.... She composed herself she decided this and she have to face it.... Taking a deep breath and giving herself some motivational speech in her mind she entered the Auditorium with a straight and smiling face...... Her walk showed her confidence.... She finds many familiar faces.... Many were her juniors and batchmates and seniors.... She entered the place like a bosslady she is... Infact she was the same when she was in the organization to.... Everyone obeys her orders simply she makes them do..... She knows how to make them work and bring out the best out of them..... They all admire her as senior she was the best in her batch even the seniors listen to her because she always been straight forward ... If it's wrong it's wrong she never afraid to point it out no matter who the person is.... she  never did favoritism and bent to someone for posting...... She strongly believe if she deserves it... It will come back to her... She don't need to beg for anyone..... She was the same till the end even now she was like that.....

But she never thought in the beginning that would mess up her mind somewhere..... Favoritism and partiality took tool of her.... She didn't become the president...... She actually didn't minded that in the beginning but later on she felt bad for letting go of that post easily... Feeling bad for not greedy and selfish like that person..... Who was once her best companiyon now nobody..... That's what she thinks...... May be there is more... May be she knows but not ready to accept it.... Or may be she accepted it too late.... .

Many came to her and spoke with her.... She had a normal chitchat with everyone but Unwantedly her searched someone else.... The same person she wanted to see and make him feel insecure and less compared to her....

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