A Different Side of You - 13 - Interlude

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A Ballad of streetlights

Chapter summary: Logan and Su Ryeon take a clandestine ride along the streets of Seoul. Amidst the frenzy of their schedules and the looming pressure of the award ceremony, they steal moments together in Su Ryeon's car.

The city is sprawled before Logan, a maze of concrete and steel aglow with the neon lights of street signs and billboards. His assistant has stayed behind to lock the final details of the fit, while Logan waits on the sidewalk for the company ride. Scanning for the boxy black SUV, he jumps up when tires screech and a forest green Lexus stops right in front of him.

He pulls the hat down to cover his eyes and gets ready to escape what's likely giggling fans with phone cameras. Before his escape plan is put to action, the window rolls down, revealing the smile he so dearly missed.

"Get in." Su Ryeon lowers her glasses, eyes sparkling naughtily.

She doesn't need to say it twice. Before the click of his seatbelt, she is pulling him in for a kiss. Tasting of mint and mischief, he nibs her lower lip playfully. But in the chaos of the awards week, they've barely exchanged more than hellos since their night in her studio, a week without her making the slay of her lips ravenous, his tongue tracing the seams, feeling the heat, until a moan escapes her-

A horn blasts and they break away from each other.

They exchange a look which should have been ridden with guilt, not delight, and they burst out laughing. She hits the gas, propelling them into the night.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a private ride?"

She tears her eyes from the road, neon city lights casting dancing shadows across her face, and gives him a side glance.

"I wanted to see my boyfriend, even if it's just for the ten-minute ride to the office."


"We have ten minutes to the studio, a little more if there's traffic. Why not spend this time with you, so I told the driver I would pick you-"

"Boyfriend?" He keeps his expression purposefully blank, only a corner of mouth daring to curve upwards.

They've never had this discussion, with her everything has been out of place and he doesn't regret one bit. Not that he can resist a chance to tease her.

"Isn't that what you are?" she asks incredulously.

The word is accurate yet too small to encompass his feelings for her.

"For now," he replies mysteriously.

"Don't sass your driver, mister, they might kick you out of a moving car."

"I don't remember asking you."

They have been tangled in a web of intimacy, dense and inescapable. They've never been preoccupied with labels, but that doesn't mean he doesn't intend to broach the subject, when the time is right. But it's not the label of boyfriend he's aiming for.

"You should, then, or you'll miss your chance."

"Now that we're talking about it-"

"You brought it up."

"-I have to say, I don't mind being asked either." He drops his voice lower, conspiratorially, "But do it secretly cause my agency CEO will kill me if she finds out." He leans in closer to her ear, and without warning he nibbles on the lobe.

A hearty laugh comes off her, filling the space between them. "She could be persuaded." She pushes his shoulder away, a satisfied smirk dancing on his lips as he realizes his mouth might be a hazard to her driving.

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