A Different Side of You - 11

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Part I. Su Ryeon

"Hello, you two".

Dan Tae smiles and his snake eyes bouncing between the two.

"I wanted to talk to you", he aims at Su Ryeon.

She lifts her chin defiantly.

"We have nothing to say. Please let security escort you out". She feels the corners of Logan's eyes trained on her.

"Not so fast". He takes a step towards her. In all the years she'd been married to him, he rarely displayed that obvious malevolence. Now he's closer to her than he's been since they divorced. "You have something that I want." He smiles smugly, patting his cravat. "And you're gonna give it to me, or else..."

He raises his eyebrows threatenly and Su Ryeon plants her heels on the ground. What if he's serious? What will she do if another scandal breaks threatening her work and personal life? His off white teeth glow menacingly.

"Spare me your theatrics, Joo Dan Tae".

He takes her hand and pulls her forward, speaking the words to her ear.

"Come or you'll regret it". His fingers press on her forearm and she shakes it off.

At her sudden move, Logan takes a step to her, obscuring Dan Tae's view. His body hides her protectively while his face remains calculatingly impassive.

"Oh, you and the boy idol wanna make a scene? Right here?" He gestures at the people walking around the ground floor, who'd easily ditch their work to get their fill of office drama. Dan Tae assesses Logan, who's unmoving and stern. "What are you, her bodyguard?"

"Enough" she hisses. "Let's go". She acquiesces sparing a parting glance at Logan. Dan Tae leads her away with a hand on her waist and she sees Logan's clench fists, his body still ready for the fight he couldn't give.

Having no other option, Su Ryeon escorts this personification of her evil past to her office.


As soon as the door closes, she turns to him

"What do you want, Joo Dan Tae?"

He registers the question but walks leisurely around the room, looking at the awards in her bookcase, the art on the wall, reaching her wide mahogany desk with idol photos and schedules on it. He lifts a trophy turning his back on her. She grabs it from him, putting it down. Undisturbed, he sits on her chair. He motions for her to sit opposite and she doesn't.

"Me and my lovely new wife are moving into the music industry as well. Cheon Academy will produce some of the biggest artists of our time".

He pauses, expected to be congratulated.

"Did you come here and threaten to cause a scene to tell me that?"

"I am here, in this" he looks around squinting his eyes "modest office, because you will sell me stocks of this company, to regain a position in this field".

"Why on earth would I do something like that?" She sits down and meets his arrogant stare. He wants something from her, that's in character. While they were married, he took everything from her, control of the house, the children, her wealth, her life. He takes and takes and takes until people are empty.

But not this time.

"Your petty actions caused me to lose them in the first place. The directors ousted me from the company I helped raise." He doesn't even admit to being bested by her. After all this time, he denies she was the one that beat him. "So you owe me that. I'll give you a fair price for the stocks", he says absentmindedly, taking her answer for granted. "You're looking to expand the agency, you'll need more shareholders".

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