Part of You, Part of Me, Part Special

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Su Ryeon feels the world crumbling below her. She can't move her feet and the floor seems to disappear, as does her sight. What is happening?, is the last thing that crosses her mind before she drifts out of consciousness into the magnetic pull of some internal fog.


"Boss! Ms Shim! You're awake", a familiar voice shakes Su Ryeon out of her trance. She opens her eyes groggily. "You got dizzy and you were out for a few minutes", Im Shoo Ha answers the question that just forms in her head.

Su Ryeon looks around the new artist's quaint atelier and remembers where she is. She's come to get a feel of the young woman's work and determine if she's a right fit for exhibition at the Shimoon gallery.

"It must have been the paint, I'm working with special acrylics and you must have inhaled a lot when you were inspecting the fresh painting". She points at the one who caught Su Ryeon's attention as soon as she entered. It's a mesh of a picturesque mountain landscape and some gruesome metallic additions that obscure the view and create a sense of imprisonment to the viewer. It's the sense of imprisonment women face in corporate world, Shoo Ah had started explaining before her benefactor passed out, thankfully leaning against the wall while the painter maneuvered her to the sofa.

"Stay here. I'm getting you some water".

She exited in a hurry, leaving Su Ryeon to wonder how powerful these chemicals can be, making her dizzy despite her daily contact with painting equipment.

That should have been her first clue, but Su Ryeon accepted the glass, finished her appointment by signing the artist and went home in time for family dinner.

Little did she know, during the delicious meal Logan prepared, she was in fact eating for two.

Friday night comes quickly, between the gallery work, the school board agenda and the kids' college applications, she's barely spent time with Logan. She shoots him a voice message, her favorite mode of communication with him, and confirms their dinner date. When she puts on her adored McQueen pencil skirt, she's so excited about the evening, she doesn't even notice the waistband is a tiny bit snug on her lithe figure. She completes the look with gold chain earrings, the ones that Logan almost bit off her ear in a memorable car ride that had them both avoiding eye contact with his driver for days to come.

Dinner is delicious, the simple but well prepared meal complimenting the romantic atmosphere of the restaurant. There are candles hanging from an intricately made ceiling ornament and from their table they can feast on the lake view.

A waiter interrupts their light chat and offers to have them seated at the lounge area, a quiet part with sofas and the best view to enjoy their wine and dessert.

As they're settling in the sofa, Logan pulls her into his arms, her head resting on his chest. He continues his thought. "The kids are leaving, darling. I know we've talked about it and you're happy for them, as am I, but it's a big change. Are you sure you're alright? Is there anything I can do?"

"Logan, you're doing everything already. And I love that you're worried about my feelings"

"Always". He assures her quietly.

"I'm getting used to it. Rona's already gone to Juliard and I'm happy Seok Hoon is following her. And Seok Kyun is travelling the world for a year. She's gonna be such a different person when she comes back having seen how other people live. I'm so proud of her."

"And you should. But Hye In will be staying on campus too. We'll get to see them all of course, but they'll mostly be out of the house, having their own life. Are you ready for that?" He asks with gentle concern.

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