All I want is the taste that your lips allow

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Su Ryeon walks on her toes approaching the four post bed. Under the fluffy white comforter, its current occupant sleeps deeply. It's too early for either of them to be awake, but it's a special day. Su Ryeon hasn't forgotten.

The plush carpet swallows the sound of her bare feet as she reaches Logan's side of the bed. They have opted for a small, minimalistic American house, decorated with art and indoor plants climbing the walls. Simplicity suits their new life. Family, work, lifting people up. That's what they do now and they don't need gold chandeliers to achieve it. They only need each other.

She sits next to his sleeping form, cocooned by the high-thread bedding. It's funny, he's usually the one poking fun at her blanket-hovering habits. She reaches her hands and touches his bare shoulder, nudging him softly.

"Logan", she says as her delicate fingers move to his face. They start tracing the line of his nose, mapping the arch with her thumb. He pushes his eyelids shut, the outer triangle creasing in his attempts to shed off sleep.

The pads of her fingers find his eyelids and caress him. Logan murmurs and opens his eyes.

"Good morning", he slurs and catches her hand in his, moving slowly out of the grogginess of sleep.

"Good morning. It's a special day".

"Mmmm", he plants a kiss on her knuckles and she pushes her knee on the bed to get closer. "Why is that?"

She pulls the small cake she's put on the nightstand and holds it between them. She lights the singular candle and sees a smile lighting up his sleepy features.

"Happy Birthday" she wishes with all her heart and he sits up on the bed, the sheets pooling around his waist. "We'll celebrate tonight, but I wanted to wish you when we're just the two of us", she takes a breath, the candle burning its way through the caramel frosting. "I wish we'll spend every birthday together." She doesn't find any other words to say how happy he's making her every day. Besides, he knows. "I love you".

"Thank you, Su Ryeon Ssi". He puts a lock of hair behind her ear. "I love you".

"Make a wish".

He closes his eyes and tilts his head upwards. When he opens them, they catch hers. He blows the candle like a joyful kid as she smiles cheerfully. He pulls it out and licks it, tasting the caramel mousse, Su Ryeon's new recipe.

Now that they're no candle flame separating them, he pulls her for a kiss. He tastes of cinnamon and sugar.

"It's delicious", he says between kisses to her delight. She takes the spoon and feeds him the molten caramel, taking some sprinkles on top. "That's the first time you're making this. Am I that special?"

"Mmmm" she purrs.

He catches her lower lip and takes another spoonful.

"It's sweet. I taste some vanilla". He feeds her one, licking the frosting escaping her lips.

"What did you wish for?"

"I can't tell you that. It won't come true"

"Tell me". She nudges his bare chest.

"So demanding".

"You like it".

He grabs her leg and with a swift move, he's on top of her.

"I wished you'd let me lick the frosting off every inch of your body".

Silence. She can't utter a word when the man she loves is looking her with hooded eyes, promising every kind of pleasurable delight. As seconds pass and she hasn't answered, he searches her face to see if he's crossed any line.

Slowly, without tearing her eyes from his, she extends her arm to the cake on the nightstand and gathers some liquid caramel on her finger. Agonisingly, she touches the crease of his lips, spreading the sweetness on his mouth. His eyes darken at her challenge, and before she pulls her hand, he holds it, sucking on her index finger, licking it clean.

Heat is pooling inside her and she squirms below him. Slowly, with his touch still warm from the heat of the covers, Logan pulls her nightdress off her shoulders, the light pink material hugging her body giving its place to silky skin.

Logan touches and kisses every spot that is unveiled, the wet drag of his mouth leaving goosebumps everywhere he goes. He heads lower, tracing her delicate breasts as her breath swallows. He's avoiding the sensitive part, in an attempt to tease her. She would admit, it's successful. She shuts her eyes and silently begs him to move it along, she can't take all the games when he's so close to where she wants him.

She feels something cold traveling from her neck to her belly button, circling her breasts with intent. Opening her eyes, she sees he mapped her torso with frosting, creating roads of pleasure, which he doesn't hesitate to follow with his mouth.

He starts behind her ear, licking the sensitive area when it meets her neck. With wide movements, he gathers the caramel tracings on his mouth, his tongue burning a scorching path on her skin. He pays extra attention to her decolletage, his thumbs circling it with his thumb with a motion designed specifically to drive her wild. They get harder with each motion and he plunges to take one into his mouth, enveloping it in its wet heat. He spends a torturing amount of time there, alternating between using his tongue or his teeth, until her breath catches.

"Logan" she hums breathlessly.

He goes on to follow the liquid path of sweetness to her navel. He looks up..

"If you don't hurry up, it will melt", nodding to the lines of frosting covering her body. He bites the crease of her pelvic bone. "And me along with it", she whispers.

"That's the point, darling. I want you to melt" he palms her behind, bringing his mouth closer to her center "All", kiss, "Over", kiss, "Me".

His last word is swallowed as he dives into her with the precision of an experienced lover. He buries his head between her legs, touching her in all the ways she likes. Logan's not one to hold back, when he finds her pleasure points he's a man on a mission. He drives a wild rhythm, guided by her thighs closing in on his neck. When he feels them spasm, he knows she's close. Without stopping, he spreads some frosting over the overheated skin and sucks maniacally. It becomes one with her inner moisture, the combination nectar on Logan's lips. The sensation is so burning, he rubs her nub and she flies in the plane of pleasure.

When she comes back, she melts her still sticky body to his, causing him to chuckle. She's never had that. Someone who thrives on pleasing her, someone who plays with her in the game of love as her teammate. She'd view marital relations as an obligation, but now that she found a man who cares for her as much as she does, it's a constant discovery.

When he finally divests of his underwear and they lock bodies, she's seeing new horizons in his eyes. They're moving together, towards a higher place, their touch keeping them grounded to each other. Her breath quickens and she holds on his toned biceps, tightened from supporting his weight. She finds purchase on his strong arms, propelling her to trust upward, enhancing their joint movement. Without missing a beat, he pulls her legs behind his waist, plunging deeper and deeper. He takes her mouth on his, swallowing her moans. Suddenly, she feels herself constrict around him while her nails leave half moons across the muscles of his back. She's gone and he follows soon after. The last thing she remembers is the taste of caramel on his lips.


"What did you really wish for?" She asks him later, when he plays with her hair spread over the white pillow.

He smiles, conceding.

"Nothing". She itches closer in surprise. "I have all I want right here". He kisses her cheek. "You and the kids. We've been through so much to be together. There's nothing else I need".

She pulls him for a long kiss, before years of joy fill her eyes. In this bed, in this world, all they need is each other.

And caramel frosting.

___The End___

Author's note: love is being playful with each other. When you're secure and safe in a relationship, your inner self is free. That's how I imagine Logryeon to be in the future, after the events of A Miracle. Do you agree? What do you see for them? Vote in the comments, I love your notes

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