With One Last Kiss I Let You Go

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Not a single sound can be heard in the courtroom. Logan and Su Ryeon stand up on the bench and hold their breath as the judge gets ready to announce the verdict.

"In the case of Shim Su Ryon vs Ju Dan Tae, Mrs Shim' s motion for full custody is... Denied".

He hits the gavel and Su Ryeon's heart sinks.

She lost.

She won't keep her kids. Dan Tae's plan to use the children against her is successful. He's hitting her where it hurts. He never loved the kids, not in a way a father would. They're not biologically his, but that doesn't deter him from claiming them. On the opposite bench, he smiles. Like it was easy for him he won. His lawyer pats him on the back.

"It's not over, we'll appeal the verdict". A steady voice assures her. "Su Ryeon ssi, don't worry, we're not finished".

"I lost the chance to take my kids and go! Look at him!" As if on cue, Dan Tae shows his teeth. Though artificially whitened, they look feral.

"Don't." Logan whispers and snaps her out of it. He must see this everyday as a divorce lawyer, because his moves are calculated and he's calm. Well again, it's not his future being abruptly decided. "Look at me. Nothing is lost yet. We'll beat him".

"We need more evidence". His tenacity is admirable, but the odds are stacked against them. "Logan" she turns to him, ignoring the crowd leaving the room. He gives her his full attention and it's like they're alone in his office, "he got what he wanted. Not just the kids, he wanted to belittle me in front of everyone. Did you see how the judge looked at me? He was thinking I deserved it, I married someone for money, so whatever he did I should take it." Dan Tae was almost penniless when she met him, she even convinced her dad to hire him and let him prove himself. He proved to be a ruthless scum, stealing from the company and moving money under her name. But this was family court, they have no jurisdiction over her divorce. As his lawyer provided snidely, his alleged crimes have no weight on the children's custody. "I have to do something before it's too late".

"There's nothing more you can do. That's my job as your attorney. I'll make it happen".

Su Ryeon fumbles with the strap of her bag, gathering her things.

"Don't worry", he places a hand on her forearm, forcing her to look at him. His eyes are round and beautiful and lasering on hers. All this time he's been building her case meticulously, against the lack of evidence. It's an uphill battle, against a justice system that runs on bribes and connections. She really looks at him. Not a hair is out of place, yet she can see the exhaustion seep through, the crease of his eyes deeper. They've been working on her defense for months, pouring over papers, having work lunches and searching for Dan Tae's shady past. He brings her coffee when they see each other. Today there was a pink box of macarons too. To lift her spirits, he said He's been so constant and reliable, for a moment she is almost convinced it will be alright. He draws an absentminded pattern on her skin with the pad of his thumb. He's trying to calm her, trying to assure her. "I'll call you to plan our next step. Now you go rest. I know all this is hard on you, you must be drained".

Physically and emotionally. She's running out of fuel. Some food would be nice.

"I can't rest. My kids..." she blinks away a tear and walks out of the bench.

He comes behind her and they walk side by side.

"I'll get them for you. Trust me".

She trusts Logan, but does she trust the law?


A massive glass window covers the wall of the conference room, giving the partners an amazing view of midday Seoul. Logan sits on the edge of the long table, while every associate's eye is on his father, presiding over the meeting.

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