(3) Whispers of Stolen Beauty - Knight Bounds

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Everyone gets caught eventually.

The twelve men responsible for the theft of the Pala Di Oro found themselves dragged into custody, all for one goal: to reveal the brain behind the operation.

Logan is placed in holding, separated by a two-way mirror, alone. it's not the police that makes people confess, it's the stillness. The walls closing in until you're nothing but a hollow distorted image. A fish in a fishtank, water going down.

They leave him isolated for hours, before he closes his eyes, perfectly still.

Su Ryeon braces herself to go in when Captain Kang stops her.

"It's my case!" she protests.

"The Queen never makes the first move. You're too valuable. We send our Bishop to tire him up more, then you attack."

She defers to her captain's strategy and settles to observe as Yoon Chul enters the interrogation chamber.

"You're not who I expected", Logan says.

Yoon Chul settles across the table, switches on the camera, and begins to recite Logan's rights.

"Too bad Mr Lee, I'm the one you're getting. I'm detective Ha and I'll be conducting the interrogation."

"Where is she?"


"Get her in here if you want me to talk."

"If you're referring to detective Shim, she has more...pressing issues to attend to."

Logan goes to the mirror, scanning the glass as if he can see through it. He walks along it paying attention to the detective's expression. Another step and Yoon Chul gulps.

"She's right there."

He sprays his palm on the cold glass as if to reach her and she holds her breath. The captain casts her a warning look.

"We arrested twelve of your cooperators in the midst of stealing the Di Oro Plaque and they will be charged with larceny. The degree of the crime and the sentence will be determined by whether or not they cooperate with us. If they provide information on who ordered them to steal it, they will face fines. Otherwise they'll be saddled with grand larceny, which carries a significant prison sentence. So you can gather that your men have a good reason to give you up."

"Good job, detective. I feel so safe now that you're watching over the city."

"Cut the crap. They are ready to identify you as the mind of the operation and you'll be faced with grand larceny carrying a 30-year sentence. You won't see the light of day until you're sixty. How does that strike you?"


"Yes, that's going to make a difference."

"I'll be sending my kids to college by then." He muses. "Unless she doesn't want kids, so... skinny-dipping in the Greek islands?"

Yoon Chul is losing his patience. Her colleague is better at following orders rather than devising strategy, as Mari says.

"My captain authorized me to offer you a deal. Reduced sentence in exchange for your confession. This deal disappears in a few hours so I strongly suggest you take it".

"We have different definitions of the word deal, detective."

"Take it. There won't be another."

"Counter offer. I sit here, you offer me horrible coffee, then I walk out free." Yoon Chul grunts, which delights Logan.

"I go home, get my beauty sleep, dream of an enchanting woman chasing me around the world, and when I get up I text you the number of my tailor, because last time this shirt was in style, Elvis was still alive."

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