Coming Home

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"Stop mopping, mom's coming back next week".

Logan lifts his eyes to Seok Hoon's mocking stare. Su Ryeon is on a month-long business trip to China, securing funds for their foundation. It's amazing what she can do with the company, how much they can help kids who need it. But still, he misses her.

"I'm not mopping-", he says defensively.

"Yeah, right. You're just staring through the window like you're playing in an old French film".

"I am thinking". About Su Ryeon, is what he wants to add, but that would give Seok Hoon even more fuel.

"Stop thinking about mom and let's play ball. Or are you afraid your joints will give out, old man?" The attempt to distract him catches his attention.

Seok Hoon sprints outside, Logan following him, with his still functioning joints.

"It's interesting," he fake contemplates, "I remember you being twice as sad when Ro Na left for Vienna." He says and crutches down to tie his shoelaces.

A ball crashes on his head and Seok Hoon smiles challengingly.


I'm cooking carbonara for the kids.

He attaches a photo of the dish and waits for the answer.

When I'm stuck at work and away from you? Rude.

He smiles. How he'd want to watch her eat the spaghetti with him. Maybe a date, candlelight for sure.

Then hurry back.

His phone bings.

One week left.


The same night Su Ryeon slides her key in the door of the house, pushing it softly inside the chamber, careful to not make any noise. The lights are out, everyone sleeping. She rolls her suitcase to the foyer and leaves it.

Taking off her shoes, she takes a moment to breathe in. The familiar smell of aromatic candles fills her lungs. Finally, she's home.

She goes to check on the kids, without making noise, as if she was following a criminal. Seok Hoon has his door open, and his lanky body is spread on his bed. A few sheets have fallen off, he was studying music before he went to sleep. She closes the door, opting to not disturb his tired form.

Seok Kyung has left to volunteer in Vietnam, so her room is empty and neatly organised. She peeks in and meets Hye In's angelic face, deep asleep in a mountain of pillows. Like mother, like daughter.

Finally, she goes into her bedroom. A glass wall illuminates the space, the moonlight shining a faint glow on the bed. Logan's face is pushed into the pillow and he's expanded to her side of the bed as well. The sight makes her heart squeeze.

She didn't realize how much she missed him until this moment. Now it washes over her in waves of love. Their relationship was strong enough for them to spend time apart. Still, coming back is like finally letting out a breath.

She slips out of her winter clothes, feeling a weight lifting off her. Her toes disappear into the grassy texture of the rug. Lifting the comforter, she slides into bed. Logan's body emanates warmth and her libs immediately search for him in the darkness. Her cold fingers make contact with his naked torso and she snuggles to his side.

He murmurs something unintelligible in his sleep that resembles her name. He pulls her closer, bringing her cold skin in contact with his own. He stirs.

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