A Different Side of You - 12

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Part 2. Logan

Logan's mind wanders off as the stylist analyses the trends for the spring season. He nods at the appropriate times as she explains the brand associations. When he started in the business, he found it ridiculous that they were obligated to walk around town in designer clothes, only to be photographed in them. Now he has accepted that what he wears is a mere business decision and focuses on what's really occupying his mind.

Su Ryeon.

If he knew how things would turn out, he'd never get off the elevator. He'd stay with her and hold her as the ground was falling beneath their feet. Because when the doors opened, it all turned sideways.

He clenches his fist under the table and winces in pain, picturing that vile excuse of a man threatening Su Ryeon. A coward, who accosted her at her work, knowing full well she couldn't make a scene to extract herself. Then he whispered in her ear and he looked up to meet Logan's eyes, the provocation clear. He'd been mocking them both, pushing their buttons knowing they couldn't react.

He takes a sip of the calorie-free cola to relax, but he sees Dan Tae leaving her office triumphantly and Su Ryeon on the floor, devastated. He's never wanted to punch anyone more.

He squashes the soda can in his palm, the creaking drawing his colleagues' attention.

"Bro, are you alright?" Dong Pil asks, while everyone's eyes are on him. "You're hurt", he motions to his blood soaked palm and the stylist ghasps.

He washes the blood off and looks at himself in the massive bathroom mirror. The harsh lights bring out his tiredness. He's a lost man in Gucci clothes.

She hasn't responded to the text he sent her hours ago. He asked to talk, she didn't even open the message. What is he supposed to do? If he goes to comfort her she may feel more pressured, if he stands behind he'll be no better than a bystander in her life.

The image of her pushing him out flashes on his mind. It cuts more than the wound itself. He saw her agony masked as anger and he couldn't do anything about it. If he was in a movie, he'd punch this mirror, shattering his reflection. Why can't reality be that cathartic?

He opts for the mature option, leaving her a note. How ironic, he used to do that with girls at school, back in the US, before he uprooted his life and lost all meaning of connection. Until now, that is.

He has to keep her, she's his tie to the world and his chance at happiness.

When he enters the office, she's there. Not Su Ryeon, of course. Oh Yoon Hee raises her eyes from her desk and pins him with a hostile stare.

He hopes this will work, otherwise he's making another enemy he can't afford.

She starts to address him, but a loud cheer interrupts her.

"Logan! You're here! Are you writing more songs? I saw your ig post and thought I recognised the piano room, and who was that in the background?" Rona talks in one breath, bouncing excitedly up and down.

"Hello, Rona". In all his troubles, seeing the kid's face, full of enthusiasm and joy, is a welcome relief. Will he have his own one day, coming up to hug him as he picks them from school?

"You remember my name!"

"Of course. How are you? Did you get into Cheon Academy?"

"Yes! I played them the song you taught me in the audition. And sang. I didn't hit all the notes and Director Cheon didn't like me. She's strict. But I got a letter saying I passed and now I'm studying there!"

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