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Charlie x Babe
Top: Charlie
Bottom: Babe

~At Your Command~

"Babe I swear stop-"


"Babe that's enough...."


"Huh, I'm so done with this babysitting shit," Charlie sighed, as he took the cup away from his excessively drunk boyfriend's hand and put it away before Babe could chug down it's contents He had a great difficulty in literally snatching the bottles away from him, and once he succeeded, he wasted no time in wrapping Babe's arms around his shoulder, lifting him up and carrying this unsteady big baby out of the pub.

"I'm so sorry guys," Charlie apologized for the hundredth time to all present around the table, "You see-" He took a quick glance at the human sticking to his body like a koala, snorting and making weird noises.

"Yeah yeah it's fine," Alan said, trying his best to suppress his laughter at the sight of the wasted racer, "Take this little mess home, otherwise he'll definitely crash right here."

"Will okay?" Way asked, concern filling his voice, as he looked at his best friend with real doubt.

"I guess so...?" Charlie said with hesitation, a big question mark in his voice.

"He'll be okay, honey," Pete assured his husband, "Way, your bestie will be fine. Charlie knows how to deal with trouble, right Charlie?"

"Hmm...only if he's not out of limits..." Charlie replied with a lot of uncertainty, "Okay guys. We're taking our leave. Goodbye. Goodnight. Ughh Babe. Say goodbye."

No response.

"Take him home," North suggested, "Bro's wasted for real. And oyyy! Charlie..."

"Yep?" Charlie turned around as he was halfway to the door.

"Use protection," North said, a bit too loud. The other boys at the table fake gasped and then started cheering and hooting, as a very flustered Charlie took his leave with his very wasted boyfriend.

Charlie carefully placed the drunk boy on the front seat and quickly took the driver's seat. As they left the pub, Charlie thought Babe fell asleep, judging the way his head lolled towards the window due to the car in motion. Smiling, Charlie continued driving. Their house was a bit distant from the pub and so the journey would take time. It was an occasion to celebrate their friends' Pete and Way's third (month) anniversary and so their friends had chosen a popular pub to throw a party. This really didn't need a party, even the couple didn't agree, but who can stop North and Sonic? They just need a reason to throw a party, even if it's the stupidest of reasons. And when it comes to them, no one in their squad can decline.

Charlie was now driving through a relatively deserted place. It was almost eleven by the clock, at night, and the roads were almost empty. Charlie was minding his own business, concentrating on the road, when, suddenly, he felt a hand on his crotch.

"Charlie...." A deep voice slurred near his ears, warm breath hitting his neck, as the grip on his crotch became tighter. Charlie knew who it was. He didn't want to look to his side, because, he knew, if he made that mistake, he would definitely crash the car. Charlie tried his best to focus, but the addictive smell of his alpha's started distracting him. The hand on his crotch made its own way to the buckle of his belt, slowly unbuckling it, and soon the slender fingers slid under in boxers. Charlie still tried to keep his cool and continue the journey, but not for long.

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