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North x Sonic

~ Still Waiting For You~


He left.

Never had I ever imagined that this would hurt so much, so so much, a sharp pang of this heavy pain twisting my chest and restricting my vision with my tears. He left. He really did, without even looking back or thinking twice. Is this him? Is this the same person I've known for the past five years? Had he ever thought about me, about my feelings, before spitting his answers right upon my face and strutting away? Had he ever taken some time to notice my face, my expressions, my emotions, my features contorting in pain against my will? Oh! How I wish he could spend a fraction of seconds thinking a little more about my feelings, of how I felt, how I felt about this all. But it's all in vain now that he cares no more. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt that much if it was someone else, but this is different. 'Cause it was him.

I fell in love with my best friend.

I chose to ignore it but I couldn't. After that day, everything became dull and boring for me, the world suddenly stuck in black in white. The person who had painted my life with all his vibrant colors turned it all into shades of dull grey within a few seconds and didn't even care.

I lay on my bed, wrapping my fragile self with my blanket, a pillow held tight against my arms which was half drenched with all the tears I shed. And who am I crying for? Someone who'll never come to me? Someone who never cared about my feelings or dared to think twice before hitting me with his heartless reply? Someone who didn't want to love me 'cause he didn't want to be gay like me? I'm crying for him? Ha! Doesn't that sound silly?

But yes...this is. This is the truth. I'm crying for him. I'm crying for him day and night without eating a proper meal or getting a proper sleep. I'm crying for him instead of listening to my friends or to what my beating heart had to say. I'm crying for him because he chose to be with someone else, someone better, and not me. I'm crying for him...without giving a single thought about myself...without thinking about me.

I was still weeping, as I lay my head on Way's lap, while he stroked my hairs, running his slender fingers through the tangled strands, whispering sweet words of encouragement at the same time. Way was someone who had once gone through the same thing I'm going through, but soon realised that he was running after the wrong person and he finally found his right one. Way knew what I was going through, so he chose not to leave my sight for a second. I'm grateful for this, Way and my other mates taking so much care of me even when I'm giving him this much of trouble. But whatever means he or my mates tried in order to cheer me up, I couldn't get that night out of my head. I couldn't.

"Sonic, don't you understand a simple word, huh? I'm not gay!" North cried, as he walked down the path to his car, Sonic following him closely behind, his eyes filled with tears, "I'm okay with being friends with you, but try to understand Sonic, I already have-"

"B-But North I-" Sonic mumbled, looking at his best friend with a little flicker of hope in his teary eyes, "I-I loved y-you since the beginning. I loved you-"

"Do I look like I care?" North practically screamed, his loud voice reverberating in the deserted locality, sending shivers down Sonic's spine, "I literally told you I'm not interested in you. Don't you understand? I'm literally NOT INTERESTED IN YOU!"

"B-But N-North I-"

"I've got a girlfriend, Sonic," North spat, as Sonic gasped a little in surprise, tears still rolling down his face, "Yeah dude," North continued, smirking, "She's a real gorgeous tight bitch and I'm so glad to have her. Gosh! I literally shouldn't have been friends with you. Who knew you were such a weird creepy fag?"

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