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Pete x Way

~ He's gone ~

Dying a death when your time is up isn't as painful as dying multiple deaths during your lifetime. Have you ever wondered how it feels, to sacrifice everything, even your mere existence, for a simple word, woven by the four chosen letters among the alphabets...the word 'love'? And then get all your feelings mercilessly killed by that same person you 'loved' even though it's not entirely their fault? Have you ever dreamt of being a shining star all your life, yet give it up for someone you care, so that they can shine brighter than you, while you remain overshadowed by the light you yourself sacrificed for them. It hurts. Yes...It hurts. But...what can you do? What can I do? What can we do? Just sit and sigh...and watch events unfold...There are plenty of ways to die, but only love can kill you and at the same time, keep your incinerated soul alive...to feel it and make you a permanent slave of it...

"He lied to us...all of us!"

The day was gloomy, the garage was quiet, an uncomfortable monotony enveloping the area, a silence too heavy to be broken. Like other days, the place wasn't noisy at all. No sound of cars vrooming were audible, neither were tools clanking or mechanics talking. None of the mechanics were there, so silence was almost inevitable.

In one corner of the garage sat a group of people, talking among themselves. The seriousness in their faces and the gloom in their voices could easily convince anyone that a discussion about something very important was going on.

"I can't believe this," Alan spoke, running his hand through his hair in frustration, "How could he do this? How could he do this to us?"

"I believed him," Babe spoke, anger and grief mingled in his voice, "For ten years...for ten fucking years...he lied to us...all of us. Goshh! He's such a cheat."

The boys sighed, still not willing to accept the truth as the entire events unfolded simultaneously in front of them. They had never imagined that such a horrible betrayer had been with them, right in front of their eyes the entire time. And how they? They befriended him, they trusted him, they lived him.

"Where the fuck is he now?" Alan questioned, his voice growing deeper with anger.

"I-I don't know," Pete replied, his gaze fixated at his shoes, still not believing in the situation, even though he himself was the first one to discover it, "He left the day before yesterday, and I haven't seen him since then."

"Huh...and how will you? He's definitely at Tony's house, being his pet," Babe growled.

Once again, everyone went silent. No one could believe whatever was going on. A trusted friend, a beloved mate had betrayed all of them, played along with their feelings and had made all their actions transparent to their worst enemies. What could be a worser betrayal than this?

"Guys," Alan spoke, suddenly getting up from the couch, looking at all the other boys, "I know you all will be against this sudden turn of plans but i can't help it. I'm going to that damn house right now and there's no argument about this-"

"B-But how-"

"Jeff is still in there and you must know it," Alan growled in wrath, shutting up Sonic as soon as he had opened his mouth, "I don't give a fuck to whatever happens to anyone else, or to what Way will do. I'm going to rescue Jeff and that's final. If you guys don't wanna go according to this plan, then don't!"

"But Alan, wait, calm down," Babe spoke, quickly getting up and holding his shaking hands, "It's not that safe, you know? Especially now that the fucker is there...he definitely knows how we'll attack 'cause he was there with ys during the plan and-"

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