Chapter 29- Tam

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I'd gotten my first assignment, and I was determined to do it right.

My assignment was simple. All I had to do was track down a missing cat. Seemed simple enough. That was, until I saw the town. My assignment was right near Foxfire and, therefore, right near Linh.

Everything I did I did for her. The only issue is that if I told her, I'd be dispelled, and this was a cause I needed to be a part of.

As I was preparing to leave, one of the supervisors appeared and stopped me.

"Tam Song, correct?" She asked.

I nodded, "is everything alright? I was about to head out for my first mission." I flicked my bangs out of my hair. I missed the silver tips. They were slightly lighter shade near the very tips, but I hadn't been allowed to re-dye it. Apprently, it stood out too much.

"Yes, but I was told to inform you of some changes," she said, taking a pause and pulling out a clipboard. "You are to check in and get a status report from Eliza."

I smiled. I was perfectly fine with that.


"You were assigned WHAT," I shouted at Eliza. I'd tracked down where she had been staying and managed to sneak through and catch her attention. Luckily, Sophie wasn't home.

"Sh," she said, holding a finger to her lips, "Gardy and Edaline can't hear you. Follow me."

I huffed a sigh and followed her. When we stopped in a secluded cave, I turned back to her. "Now tell me exactly what you mean."

"I mean... You aren't going to like it." She said.

I glared through my bangs. "If it has to do with my sister, of course I'm not going to like it, but I still deserve to know."

"They want me to..." She trailed off. "It was originally a watch mission, but..."

"Just spit it out. Please." I said.

She sighed. "They turned it into a recruitment mission."

I blinked. "They want to recruit my... Sister?"

Eliza nodded, "She's a healer, and we don't have many on our side. And the few we do have are at very high risk."

A slow smile spread across my face. "Eliza, you realize what this means, right? It means she'll know. She'll know about all of it. About me."

Eliza shook her head. "Tam if she doesn't agree..."

"What?" I asked, not getting it.

"Tam," she started.

"No, Eliza, I want to know. What is it?"

She sighed again and refused to look me in the eye. "Tam, no one can know about the organization. Not f they aren't a part of it. If she refuses..."

This time, I understood. "If she refuses, you'll have to kill her."

Eliza nodded. "Then we tell her right now. Right now, when we can tell her I'm alive and I can convince her." I said.

"No, it doesn't work that way. Tam, she can't know about you. They have to know she's joining her own accord." Eliza said.

"Eliza," I started, "she'll never agree."

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