Chapter 13 -Dex

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I wasn't really sure what was going on. I could tell I was lying on the floor. My wrists and ankles were throbing from the tough ropes binding them. I couldn't see anything.

I heard a familiar sounding scream. "Stop, please. I don't know what you want from me!" The voice was high-pitched but soft. I heard muffled crying. "Please." She pleaded again. Linh.

Linh was here. It gave me comfort to know she was here until I realized that it was not a good thing for her to be here.

"That's enough, Fintan. She won't tell us." A very familiar female voice said.

Lady Gisela. I hated her. Not nearly as much as I hated Cassius. Let's just say Keefe's parents aren't the best. But she had gone missing 3 years ago... Well, I found her.

"What do you want to do with them?" A male voice replied.

"Get rid of the boy. Just dump her somewhere. We must have gotten the wrong girl." Gisela replied.

I shivered. I felt my blindfold being ripped off my head by someone. I looked up into a nearly white-haired man. "Well, he's awake for his death. That'll be fun."

I looked around and noticed Linh slumped over on a chair, held up by only the ropes around her legs and arms.

"Let us go." I said, or demanded might be a better word.

Fintan laughed. "Feisty, aren't we?"

I just glared. Gisela cut the ropes binding Linh and the ropes around my feet, pulling us both to our feet.

"Shouldn't we bind her hands?" Fintan asked, gesturing to Linhs completely rope free hands.

"She's barely conscious it'll be fine."

We soon arrived wherever they were bringing us, and they pulled me and Linh out of the car they had shoved us in. Linh was still half-unconcious, and I felt dead on my feet. Though I had a feeling I'd probably be actually dead soon.

Fintan pulled out a small dagger and used it. In the process pushing me so I fell into a deep ravine. I could feel the hot blood seeping from the wound on my stomach. I also hit a rock on my way down. I felt my head explode when I hit the rock, but my head was already pounding so much I barely noticed.

I faintly remember finally reaching the bottom and hearing Linh groan my name somewhere near me a few moments later.

I wanted to ask her if she was okay. Ask what had happened. What they wanted from us. From her. But I couldn't. I could tell I was losing blood and fast. I was going to die. And as my eyes closed--maybe for the last time--all I could think about was how I was glad that it was Linh by my side.

Then the world went black.

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