Chapter 15- Linh

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I knew what I had to do. I had to break the one rule I've ever had. Well, the biggest one, at least. Dex's pulse was getting even sslower. It was now or never.

Come on, Linh, you can do this.

I put my hands on top of his wound and focused. I tapped into the reason I had to be solitary. I shouldn't be doing this. I'll be killed for this.

I thought the words, but I didn't care. I had to save him. I started to feel the rise and fall of his chest, which I hadn't been able to do. His breathing was still shallow, labored, but he was breathing.

I closed my eyes and did what it took. He'd know when he woke up. He'd know what I was. Tam always warned me against it, but I couldn't stop myself.

Other than Tam, Dex was the only person to show me kindness.

Then it happened. His eyes flew open.

"Linh..." His wound was weak. Quiet.

I felt the tears running down my face as I smiled with relief. "Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?"

"I- I thought I died," he said, trying to sit up, but I pushed him back down. I may have healed it mostly, but I could still feel the hot sticky liquid pouring from his wound.

"You gave it your best shot," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Dex laughed lightly before his hand flung to his head. I hadn't noticed before, but he had a pretty nasty gash on the back of his head.

His stomach was mostly healed by now, so I said, "hold still." And put my hand on the back of his head right over the gash.

Dex's face slowly returned to normal as the cut healed itself. Or rather, I healed it.

Then I saw him putting it together. How his stomach was suddenly fine after being stabbed and how his head had just magically heapled.

"You're- You're a healer...?" He asked quietly, studying where his stab wound used to be, which had been replaced with only a thin pink line.

I nodded, slowly backing away and staring at the ground. He would surely turn me in, but I didn't regret it. I had saved his life.

"One of my friends can magically heal people." He said. I didn't dare look up. See his horror.

I heard a chuckle that surprised me enough to look up. Dex's eyes were bright with amazement, and he had a smile on his face as he sat up.

I gave him a confused look and said, "why are you looking g at me like that?"

"Because you just saved my life!" He frowned, "wait. How did you think I was going to react?"

"I- I was always told that if people knew-"

He cut me off. "Oh that's definitely true. People don't like the power you hold. But Linh," he paused and grabbed my hand forcing me to look into his periwinkle eyes. "I'm not like them. I'd never do that."

There was another pause before, "my gosh. You have to be one of the last ones alive."

I nodded. "Most were killed during experiments to try and recreate it."

Dex scowled at the thought. Then his expression turned to something lie understanding. "That's why you pushed me away. You didn't hate me you were-"

I gasped. "Dex I could never hate you."

I swear I saw tears in his eyes as he said, "I'm glad. I really thought... It doesn't matter. All that matters is I'm here with the most beautiful, amazing, and outstanding girl I know. And she just thought my life was worth giving up her secret for."

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